I think this can be best explained by an example. Suppose that you have the following setup:

        mkfs.btrfs /dev/somedisk
        mount /dev/somedisk /mnt/btrfs
        mkdir /mnt/btrfs/aaa
        btrfs subvolume snapshot /mnt/btrfs /mnt/btrfs/aaa/bbb

So /mnt/btrfs/aaa is a ordinary directory containaing /mnt/btrfs/aaa/bbb which is a subvolume. The latter contains /mnt/btrfs/aaa/bbb/aaa which is a directory. This directory is empty (ls -a does not find anything) but it cannot be deleted:

# rmdir /mnt/btrfs/aaa/bbb/aaa
rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/btrfs/aaa/bbb/aaa': Directory not empty

As it turns out, it contains a "ghost" directory named bbb that is not reported by ls -a but can be deleted by rmdir:

# rmdir /mnt/btrfs/aaa/bbb/aaa/bbb
(no errors, status code 0)

Now we can also delete /mnt/btrfs/aaa/bbb/aaa:

# rmdir /mnt/btrfs/aaa/bbb/aaa
(no errors, status code 0)
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