2011/1/6 Freddie Cash <fjwc...@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Carl Cook <cac...@quantum-sci.com> wrote:
>> I am setting up a backup server for the garage, to back up my HTPC in case 
>> of theft or fire.  The HTPC has a 4TB RAID10 array (mdadm, JFS), and will be 
>> connected to the backup server using GB ethernet.  The backup server will 
>> have a 4TB BTRFS RAID0 array.  Debian Testing running on both.
>> I want to keep a duplicate copy of the HTPC data, on the backup server, and 
>> I think a regular full file copy is not optimal and may take days to do.  So 
>> I'm looking for a way to sync the arrays at some interval.  Ideally the sync 
>> would scan the HTPC with a CRC check to look for differences, copy over the 
>> differences, then email me on success.
>> Is there a BTRFS tool that would do this?
> No, but there's a great tool called rsync that does exactly what you want.  :)
> This is (basically) the same setup we use at work to backup all our
> remote Linux/FreeBSD systems to a central backups server (although our
> server runs FreeBSD+ZFS).
> Just run rsync on the backup server, tell it to connect via ssh to the
> remote server, and rsync / (root filesystem) into /backups/htpc/ (or
> whatever directory you want).  Use an exclude file to exclude the
> directories you don't want backed up (like /proc, /sys, /dev).
> If you are comfortable compiling software, then you should look into
> adding the HPN patches to OpenSSH, and enabling the None cipher.  That
> will give you 30-40% network throughput increase.
> After the rsync completes, snapshot the filesystem on the backup
> server, using the current date for the name.
> Then repeat the rsync process the next day, into the exact same
> directory.  Only files that have changed will be transferred.  Then
> snapshot the filesystem using the current date.
> And repeat ad nauseum.  :)
> Some useful rsync options to read up on:
>  --hard-links
>  --numeric-ids
>  --delete-during
>  --delete-excluded
>  --archive
> The first time you run the rsync command, it will take awhile, as it
> transfers every file on the HTPC to the backups server.  However, you
> can stop and restart this process as many times as you like.  rsync
> will just pick up where it left off.
>> Also with this system, I'm concerned that if there is corruption on the 
>> HTPC, it could be propagated to the backup server.  Is there some way to 
>> address this?  Longer intervals to sync, so I have a chance to discover?
> Using snapshots on the backup server allows you to go back in time to
> recover files that may have been accidentally deleted, or to recover
> files that have been corrupted.
> Be sure to use rsync 3.x, as that will start transferring data a *lot*
> sooner, shortening the overall time needed for the sync.  rsync 2.x
> scans the entire remote filesystem first, builds a list of files, then
> compares that list to the files on the backup server.  rsync 3.x scans
> a couple directories, then starts transferring data while scanning
> ahead.
> Once you have a working command-line for rsync, adding it to a script
> and then using cron to schedule it completes the setup.
> Works beautifully.  :)  Saved our bacon several times over the past 2 years.
> --
> Freddie Cash
> fjwc...@gmail.com
> --
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Rsync is good, but not for all cases. Be aware of databases files -
you should do snapshot filesystem before rsyncing.
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