On 06/30/2011 09:13 PM, Josef Bacik wrote:
On 06/30/2011 10:12 AM, Proskurin Kirill wrote:
On 06/29/2011 08:14 PM, Josef Bacik wrote:
Ok - I upgrade to 2.6.39-2 but it is seems to all things get worse.
Now I see [btrfs-transacti]&   btrfs-endio-wri] 80-100% all the time and
io performance looks like lower then before.

Our scribe daemon in state D most of the time with half of a normal
load. Only kernel was changed.

Any performance tune recommendation?

Can you get sysrq+w while this problem is happening so we can see whats
going on?  Thanks,

I attached sysrq+w. Hope it helps.

Heh so it just looks like you are writing a bunch of stuff, that's not
particularly helpful.  What does this program do generically?  How full
is your fs?  Do you have snapshots/subvolumes?  If so how many?  Thanks,

Scribe is taling logs by network. ~300 hosts send it to it and scribe write them to fs. I use zlib compression on btrfs partition.

Mount options is noatime,noacl,compress-force=zlib

iostat -x 1 tells me what util of btrfs partition is from 50% to ~90% all the time.

Btrfs partition is near full:
Size  Used Avail Use%
28T   26T  2.1T  93%

I don`t use snapshots/subvolumes at this time so none.

Best regards,
Proskurin Kirill
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