Sorry, I meant 'removing 2 drives' in the raid1 with 3 drives example

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Wes <> wrote:
> I've noticed similar behavior when even RAID0'ing an odd number of
> devices which should be even more trivial in practice.
> You would expect something like:
> sda A1 B1
> sdb A2 B2
> sdc A3 B3
> or at least, if BTRFS can only handle block pairs,
> sda  A1 B2
> sdb  A2 C1
> sdc  B1 C2
> But the end result was that disk usage and reporting went all out of
> whack, allocation reporting got confused and started returning
> impossible values, and very shortly after the entire FS was corrupted.
>  Rebalancing messed everything up royally and in the end I concluded
> to simply not use an odd number of drives with BTRFS.
> I also tried RAID1 with an odd number of drives, expecting to have 2
> redundant mirrors.  Instead the end result was that the blocks were
> still only allocated in pairs, and since they were allocated
> round-robbin on the drives I completely lost the ability to remove any
> single drive from the array without data loss.
> ie:
> Instead of:
> sda A1 B1
> sdb A1 B1
> sdc A1 B1
> it ended up doing:
> sda A1 B1
> sdb A1 C1
> sdc B1 C1
> meaning removing any 1 drive would result in lost data.
> I was told that this issue should have been resolved a while ago by a
> dev at Linuxconf, however this test of mine was only about 2 months
> ago.
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Tom Cameron <> wrote:
>> I had a 4 drive RAID10 btrfs setup that I added a fifth drive to with
>> the "btrfs device add" command. Once the device was added, I used the
>> balance command to distribute the data through the drives. This
>> resulted in an infinite run of the btrfs tool with data moving back
>> and forth across the drives over and over again. When using the "btrfs
>> filesystem show" command, I could see the same pattern repeated in the
>> byte counts on each of the drives.
>> It would probably add more complexity to the code, but adding a check
>> for loops like this may be handy. While a 5-drive RAID10 array is a
>> weird configuration (I'm waiting for a case with 6 bays), it _should_
>> be possible with filesystems like BTRFS. In my head, the distribution
>> of data would be uneven across drives, but the duplicate and stripe
>> count should be even at the end. I'd imagine it to look something like
>> this:
>> D1: A1 B1 C1 D1
>> D2: A1 B1 C1    E1
>> D3: A2 B2    D1 E1
>> D4: A2    C2 D2 E2
>> D5:    B2 C2 D2 E2
>> This is obviously over simplified, but the general idea is the same. I
>> haven't looked into the way the "RAID"ing of objects works in BTRFS
>> yet, but because it's a filesystem and not a block-based system it
>> should be smart enough to care only about the duplication and striping
>> of data, and not the actual block-level or extent-level balancing.
>> Thoughts?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Tom
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