Stephan Duhl wrote:
> Hi all,
> Klaus wrote in his description for VDR 0.85:
>     Updated 'channels.conf' for Premiere World.
>     Check your timers if you use this channels.conf file, since the sequence of 
>several PW channels has been changed!
> Question:
> Last week Klaus had posted a patch where in the sourcecode a hard coded channel-Id 
>(according to channel.conf) was coded to (switch-statement).
> Does 0.85 contains this patch ?
> Does it means ... i can't change the order of the channels in channel.conf?
> What happens if i do it ?
> (I used of my own sorting and would like to keep it ,-) )

That FEC test is pretty much obsolete because it didn't really solve the


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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