
first of all it´s a really great job you do with this project.
I´m using VDR 0.7x for several month whithout problems.

Yesterday I´m switcht to VDR 0.91 and dvb 0.9-20010803 downloaded from
http://www.cadsoft.de/people/kls/vdr/download.htm after an fresh
installation of suse 7.2
After some small problems the making of DVB and VDR ends whithout errors.
Make insmod for the DVB/driver works whithout error, but also whithout
picture (whit old driver I always have n-tv after make insmod).
Starting VDR from console works fine. I switched channels several times
whithout any probs. Then I´ve installed my Cam. Since this time I have no
live picture. Playback of old recordings works fine.

Have anyone an idea what´s wrong.

Ralf Spitzauer


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