
Quoting Henning Holtschneider ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> > I run my linux dvb box now for more then a year .. as the driver switches
> > to a new CAM-API the problems started .. the
> > well-known-encrypt-after-replay problem.
> >
> > When will you try to fix thise problem ??? It started 10-11 Months ago.
> Don't cry, my AlphaCrypt module doesn't work at all ...
> > P.S: Don't tell me it's open source and I could fix it by myself .. I
> > CAN'T

> I discussed this with Martin Springer from Convergence recently. He told me
> that CI support simply had (and still has) no priority for Convergence. The
> driver for the Siemens/Technotrend line of DVB cards is more or less a
> test-bed for the software they are developing for embedded systems and there
> simply has been no need for a Common Interface yet. If I understood Martin
> correctly (BTW, thank you for your extensive answers to my questions!), this
> situation will not change in the near future. Better CI support will
> probably come to you DVB card once Convergence has sold its software to a
> receiver manufacturer that has a need for a working Common Interface ;-)

This is partially true. We're working on a CA/CI framework in the area of
device drivers, middleware and MHP now and will implement it as soon as

AFAIR there were no discussions at convergence if and how to publish such a
development until now.

As always, stay tuned...

Bye... Szymon.
Szymon Polom, Project Manager Middleware       GPG Key-ID: E6EA36F2
convergence integrated media GmbH         http://www.convergence.de
Rosenthaler Str. 51                       fon: +49(0)30-72 62 06 68 
D-10178 Berlin                            fax: +49(0)30-72 62 06 55

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