Am Monday 12 November 2001 22:47 schrieb Henning Holtschneider:
> Ralph Metzler wrote:
> > Since the CI protocol itself does not contribute anything to the
> > actual security of the system this is purely about security through
> > obscurity (which IMHO is worthless) but, again, IANAL. The publication
> > of information and code related to such sensitive areas has to be
> > considered carefully or it could hurt us very much.
> Do you have to release code that could be abused? If I understand
> correctly, all the sensitive parts are in the firmware anyway, that's way
> nobody has been able to improve the CI support?!

You might want to take a look at MultiDec, a Windows DVB program.
The DVB part is based on the Linux driver and has CI support. It should
be not so hard to "backport" the CI handling to the Linux driver.
The source code is available at


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