
I have a setup with DVB-C + DVB-T (both TT-Nexus cards) but from a posting in the vdr-mailinglist I know that this problem also exists when AC3overDVB forces transit mode.

I'm using vdr and my TV set is usually connected to the DVB-C card (btw, much sharper picture on the composite port, anyone else noticed that?) and when watching DVB-T channels the card obviously goes into transfer mode. Strange thing is that it will transfer picture and sound to the connected DVB-card but not the videotext information... when I try to watch teletext on my TV I still get the teletext of the last DVB-C channel that was tuned.
If I connect everything the other way around, using the DVB-T card for
output then I cannot see the teletext of DVB-C channels.

I asked this in the vdr-mailinglist a while ago and Klaus mentioned that the dvb-driver does not support reinsertion of teletext data although it should be possible.

Could you please take this as a feature request for upcoming versions?

Btw, I dont want to use plugins for vdr to use teletext, it's much slower, the fonts are worse and I wouldn't be able to use some features of my TV set anymore (like splitting the screen on VT usage).

Best regards and thanks in advance,

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