> I'm not sure this is pulldown, because it seems random to change 
> framerate, and in some cases minutes between when it changes 
> from 24fps.  
> I have also seen 23.78 and 25 fps, as well as 26.4 on occasion.
I can't explain 23.78 and 26.4 fps as I don't think they are ever used for
'normal' video. Perhaps your computer was under heavy load at that point. In
an NTSC recording you should never come across 25 fps.

You said elsewhere that the material was a normal broadcast, followed by a
film. Could the points at which the video player jumps between 24 and 30 fps
be when the film starts, when the adverts happen, or even when the
broadcaster puts their own graphic on top of the film? I suspect that if the
player is unsure whether the material is film, then for safety it jumps back
to 30 fps.


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