> In the past I did some tests and found that tuning is always faster if
> zig-zag scan is disabled. So the first thing I do after a check-out is
> disabling this cra^Wstuff. -> Never had any problems (QPSK BSRU6, Grundig
> 29504-451).

Hmm, just had a thought about this... do you know how long in milliseconds it 
takes to lock with that frontend without zigzag? It sounds like the frontend 
isn't being given long enough to lock initially, so it kicks off a useless 
zigzag scan. It certainly shouldn't be any slower WITH zigzag enabled if the 
frequency was accurate to begin with.

If you have a moment to find that out, I can add the modified timings to that 
frontend driver: my new frontend stuff allows the frontend to override all 
these sorts of things... should have a patch tomorrow.

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