On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 16:57:46 +0200
Tony Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have looked at it a couple of times (not really my thing...) on
> DVB-S and it was a normal channel back then. Can't check right now
> I'm moving and won't have TV for three weeks.

Last time I looked (a couple of years) at BBC parl on DVB-T, the beeb
were broadcasting it in quite an interesting way..

There's a hidden stream on the same mux as BBC FOUR + Radio 5, 6,
7,1xtra etc. which is not advertsed in the SDT.

Its video stream is a normal 720x576 frame: but laid out something like

|                 --------     |
|                 |   B  |     |
|                 |      |     |
|  ------------|  --------     |
|  |           |               |
|  |    A      |  --------     |
|  |           |  |   C  |     |
|  |           |  |      |     |
|  -------------  --------     |
|                              |

Area A is the video for BBC PARLIAMENT, whilst B and C are the 'News
Multiscreen' feeds.

Clever use of MHEG overlaid graphics then allows one actual MPEG stream
to supports a TV channel and an interactive service.

The rest of the frame is pure black.


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