On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Alain.Moulle <alain.mou...@bull.net> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> I've tested with pcmk_host_check='static-list' and pcmk_host_list='node1
> node2 node3 node4'
> with agent fence_ipmilan on RHEL6 ,

That looks right

> it does not work correctly, the
> fence is not targeted towards
> the right node meaning : if I ifdown the heartbeat interface on node2,
> then the fence kills the node4
> instead of node2


have you got no-quorum-policy=ignore?
what happens if you manually call fence_ipmilan to kill node2?  what
does the command look like?

> I tried again with stonith:ipmi and also with
> pcmk_host_check='static-list' and pcmk_host_list='node1 node2 node3 node4'

Isn't that the same as you mentioned above?

> but in this case, the fence does not complete and I can see this error
> in syslog :
> ERROR: stonith_error2string: Unknown Stonith error code: 1

Maybe its time to open a Red Hat bug.
Be sure to include some logs.

> So I'm completely stalled ... no more way to fence ... is there
> something I don't understood in your messages ?
> Thanks
> Alain
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