On Thu, Oct 19, 2000, Shachar Shemesh wrote about "Re: firewall":
> Ahem Ahem....
> Actually, I did not ask for the "Reply-To:" field. I asked that people doing
> the actual reply not reply to both me and the list.

But they'll never do that, and I explained why: pressing "g" is simply too

> This is a technicality. I was not aware of the very good reasons mentioned
> in Gilad's mail, and so I did have a change of heart on that matter.
> Nadav - sorry, but so far you are the only voice in favour of the "reply-to"
> field.
> Nothing personal.

Ok :) I know to "lehafsid bekavod" :)

Vox populi, vox dei!

Nadav Har'El                        |    Thursday, Oct 19 2000, 21 Tishri 5761
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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