On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 02:39:34PM +0300, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Wed, May 09, 2001, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote about "Re: Bidi support for Linux":
> > "Nadav Har'El" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Some time ago I was also using the Caps-Lock (which I find a totally useless
> > > key ever since I stopped programming in Fortran ;), 
> [this is really off-topic, but...]
> Fortran is case-insensitive, but its users aren't - many of them are used to
> seeing all code in uppercase, and consider lowercase an abomination. I've
> seen several Fortran programmers use the Caps-Lock key to type whole sections
> of code in uppercase. I usually rebelled and entered stuff in lower-case - it
> was also an interesting way to see which part of the code I wrote, and which
> part was written by other people :)
> Anyway, my point is that I don't know *anybody*, except Fortran programmers,
> who ever use the Caps-Lock key. What good is it? FOR SHOUTING IN EMAILS?
> It only gets in the way of my left pinkie, once in a while a while causing
> me to think I'm insane and don't remember my password. I vote for the
> abolition of the Caps-Lock key. All in favor, type
>       xmodmap -e 'clear lock'

Nay. I really, really need my Caps-Lock, because I use it for a
Control key. As an Emacs user, this mapping has probably saved me from
torn hand tendons more often than I'd like to think about it, and it
is also much more convenient with vi.

Shift-Numlock is my current Caps-Lock key - you can take this one :)

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