On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Amir Tal wrote:

> 1) first, there is a new domain name for us. You can now get to the site
> via http://whatsup.org.il .
> We thought that as appropriate for Linux related site, .org.il is more
> compatible then .co.il . We don't want people to get the feeling that we
> are commercial in any way.
> The old domain is still active (and will remain active), but in any way
> - update your bookmarks ! :)

just re-direct from whatsup.co.il to whatsup.org.il, people will get used
to that.
and change your sig...

> Linux related products : original distro's cd's, books, and other
> helpful things.
wearable stuff could also be nice- like  a red hat, or a DeCss t-shirt,
and furry stuff (like tuxes)

> ------------------------------
> Amir Tal, System Administrator
> Whatsup - Linux related news
> And support - in hebrew !
> icq : 15748705
> http://www.whatsup.co.il
> ------------------------------
> =================================================================
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