Hi, Shlomo!
I've been using mldonkey client to eDonkey p2p network for couple of
years and I think this is the best p2p client (especially I liked its
"daemon+gui" design). So, first of all I recommend you to use
mldonkey. Now, regarding your problem:
* In regular case, your ed2k client runs on a computer, which has
direct internet connection, i.e. no NAT or too-clever-routers between
it and internet. Otherwise, you should configure them first.
* First basic check: try to connect to several servers and check your
client's ID. If your client has only "Low Id", your problem is
definitely in firewall. Try turn the firewall off and
reconnect/restart the client. The client should now get High Id and it
means, that you should play with firewall rules.
If you have no idea, what is High/Low Id, read the documentation. Very
good source for mlDonkey user is mldonkey.berlios.de
* Firewall rules: you should allow incoming TCP connections to port
4662 and UDP connections to port 4666 (I think, you can change ports
numbers in mlDonkey's configs, but UDP port is always TCP port+4). In
addition, you should allow all outgoing traffic for mlnet process
(your firewall probably already allows all outgoing traffic, If you
aren't paranoid).
* Try to run some sniffer (e.g. ethereal) and look for failed
connecting attempts. This can help you to figure out the source of the
* If your client gets High Id, all connections are passing through
firewall (i.e. ALL configuration is OK), but the speed is still low,
the reason may be:
- You've just connected with a new client. eDonkey uses some ranking
system and the rank is proportional to amount of traffic you share
with others (your upload). New client has  low rank, but it will grow,
when others will download from your comp. Just wait few days.
- Your client allow very high upload rate and if your connection is
ADSL (or probably Cable too) this affects your download rate. You can
check upload rate with lots of tools like iftop or iptraf. Use
client's configs or system shaper to limit ed2k upload to, say,
- You download non-popular files :)  Try ed2k search for "avi" or
"mp3" and pick up some file with huge availability number.

If nothing helps, try reading the docs at
http://mldonkey.berlios.de/modules.php?name=Wiki , searching google
and asking in more "professional" forums on the subject.
One my friend currently uses mlDonkey. If you want, I can send you his
configs as well as nice SysV startup script for mldonkey (no need to
start X or log in to start mldonkey, just turn your computer on!)

I hope, my reply will help you.

On 10/19/05, Shlomo Solomon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to setup ed2k (edonkey) without much success. I should say
> that the program does work, but is unbelievably slow - I'm trying to download
> some 300 Mb files and after about a week, only between 5 to 20 Mb of each
> file have arrived. I assume my problem is related to the FW. Note the 8th
> line in the status report included below. I've tryied "playing" with iptables
> to allow port 4662, but am obviously doing something wrong. I do know that
> the fact that edonkey claims the firewall is blocking sharing does noot
> always mean that is the case. But, I tested my firewall on ShieldsUp
> (http://www.grc.com/default.htm) and 4662 does show up as **stealth**. In
> fact, the strange thing is that even if I disable my firewall completely, I
> get the saame result (in ed2k AND in ShieldsUp).
> My system is MDK10.1 with all updated packages (except for original kernel -
> never updated) and I'm running iptables.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]$ rpm -q ed2k-gtk-gui
> ed2k-gtk-gui-0.6.3-1plf
> Please let me know what other info would be helpful.
> **** here's the status report  ****
> 19 Oct, 10.30.01h   GUI: auto-spawn: no local core running, we need to spawn
> one.
> 19 Oct, 10.30.01h   GUI: auto-spawn: core binary needs to be version 1.0 or
> newer.
> 19 Oct, 10.30.01h   Can't auto-connect - no local core version >= 1.0 running
> it seems.
> 19 Oct, 10.30.13h   Started core.
> 19 Oct, 10.30.32h   Connecting to locally running core
> (/home/solomon/tmp/.mm-auth-cookie-4662)
> 19 Oct, 10.30.33h   GUI: we are CONNECTED to the core. Logging in...
> 19 Oct, 10.30.33h   GUI: we are LOGGED IN to the core. Enjoy.
> 19 Oct, 10.30.34h   ID: ffae67c85df5d84475fa47d6cd327669 (firewalled)
> 19 Oct, 10.30.34h   GUI: This seems to be an OVERNET core.
> --
> Shlomo Solomon
> http://the-solomons.net
> Sent by KMail 1.7.1 (KDE 3.2.3) on LINUX Mandrake 10.1
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