Hi Nadav, YBA,
 I remind you that the original plan (at least in Haifa) was to host RMS at
the HaifaU, as a guest of Prof. Shezaf Refaeli. Maybe (if anybody is
interested is actually doing something), Prof. Refaeli can be approached to
suggest alternatives to RMS.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Jonathan Ben Avraham <y...@tkos.co.il>wrote:

> Hi Nadav,
> There is still a lot of buzz around Stallman, but in fact, the real action
> is has been elsewhere for some time, despite lack of name recognition for
> the players. I think that it is best to try to find the serious thinkers in
> the FOSS world and invite them, wrt buzz. In fact, it might be to our
> interest to invite really serious people who are "unknown".
>  - yba
> On Mon, 18 Jul 2011, Nadav Har'El wrote:
>  Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 13:59:29 +0300
>> From: Nadav Har'El <n...@math.technion.ac.il>
>> To: Jonathan Ben Avraham <y...@tkos.co.il>
>> Cc: Tzafrir Cohen <tzaf...@cohens.org.il>, ILUG <linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il>
>> Subject: Re: Beyond Stallman
>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2011, Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote about "Re: Beyond
>> Stallman":
>>> There are probably a lot of other folks out there who it would be worth
>>> our while to speak to. I wrote the list after I happened to read LWN for
>>> about 30 seconds. That's not much consideration.
>>> The real question for discussion here is who are the people of influence
>>> in the international Open Source community with whom we should talk?
>> I think that if you need to open Google, Wikipedia, or LWN to find these
>> people, there are, regretfully, not as influencial as Richard Stallman -
>> whose name everyone (I assume) has heard.
>> Selfishly, I would considered someone to be influencial if he or she
>> influenced *me*, in my starting to use free software, in my starting to
>> write free software, or in the free software I use daily.
>> Richard Stallman is an obvious candidate, but we are boycotting him ;-)
>> Tim O'Reilly is influencial because he edits and publishes many books
>> about
>> free software, and especially this one:
>> http://oreilly.com/catalog/**opensources/book/toc.html<http://oreilly.com/catalog/opensources/book/toc.html>
>> which had a huge effect on my own starting to write (not just use) free
>> software.  He was also the first one to coin the new term "open source".
>> Linus Torvals is of course super influencial.
>> Chris DiBona is interesting for several reasons, but among other things he
>> co-edited the above mentioned book, and he's Google's free software guru.
>> Eric Raymod is another influencial person.
>> Arnold Robbins, who will speak in August Penguin, maintains gawk, which is
>> certainly not as well known as these other people, but nevertheless will
>> be interesting because I use this program.
>> And of course there are the usual Unix suspects (Rob Pike, Brian
>> Kernighan,
>> etc.), Marc Andreessen (NCSA mosaic and Netscape), Bill Joy ("vi" and Sun)
>> and many other people who influenced my computer-using life and I'd like
>> to hear :-)
> --
>  EE 77 7F 30 4A 64 2E C5  83 5F E7 49 A6 82 29 BA    ~. .~   Tk Open
> Systems
> =}----------------------------**--------------------ooO--U--**
> Ooo------------{=
>     - y...@tkos.co.il - tel: +972.2.679.5364, http://www.tkos.co.il -
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