Linux-Misc Digest #341, Volume #20               Tue, 25 May 99 11:13:14 EDT

  Re: Background Colors (Cliff Story)
  Cnews for glibc
  Re: Background Colors (Cliff Story)
  Re: Hard drive flipping bits! (fred smith)
  PS1 format (Cliff Story)
  Compiling gnome-libs rpm (Ding-Jung Han)
  Re: How ready is Linux with IPv6? ("S. Faust")
  Re: limit of command line argument number (Adam Atkinson)
  Road Runner Customer User Agreement Violation - Using Alternative Operating Systems 
  yorick problems with rh6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  What has happened to (Ralph Blach)
  SCSI Zip/Jaz Drives
  Linux vs. NT performance / Mindcraft results (A. Steinhoff)
  AVI-Editor ? (Sebastian Koball)
  Tape Backup causing lockup (Kevin Turnquist)
  SBLive with Linux...*sob* (David Tansley)
  Middleware to connect PostgreSQL to Web forms ? ("Cameron Spitzer")
  Re: Help: Access to Linux for disabled people: on screen keyboard for Linux ? 
("Dardo D. Kleiner")
  Re: Linux vs. NT performance / Mindcraft results ("Tewpin Andrey (ôÀÐÉÎ áÎÄÒÅÊ)")
  register_sound_mixer ("Sigurdur Hannesson")
  Re: LinuxHQ disappeared? (Giandomenico De Tullio)
  Re: I broke KDE: Desktop blank, programs won't run (Alan Fang)
  Re: KPPP stops KDE working (Mei)
  Re: Linux vs. NT performance / Mindcraft results (BobX)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom ("Mav")
  Re: remote root telnet in RedHat 6.0 (Mihaly Gyulai)


From: Cliff Story <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Background Colors
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 00:02:33 -0700

Kathi Morgan wrote:
> How can I set up each tty to have a different background color?
> How can I do this so that the color is set automatically at startup?

The first question is a good one; I usually use four virtual consoles,
three as myself and one as root.  I'd like a way to differentiate them
easily.  I use "setterm -inversescreen on" to make the three user
consoles black on white.

So I took a look at "man setterm" and there are -foreground and
-background options therein, which set the foreground and background
colors, respectively.  But that will only differentiate users, not
terminals.  Also, common programs (e.g., less) ignore or even reset the
color setting (but honor inverse video).

What I want is a way to identify the terminal in the prompt.

The answer to the SECOND question is to put the answer to the first in


"If you wanna end war 'n' stuff, you gotta sing loud."
          - Arlo Guthrie


Subject: Cnews for glibc
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 06:43:54 GMT


I need to find rpm for Cnews so I can install it
on my Redhat 5.3 system. Where can I find it. Do
I need to compile it myself? (No, I don't want
to run something else but Cnews.)




From: Cliff Story <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Background Colors
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 00:11:19 -0700

Cliff Story wrote:
> Kathi Morgan wrote:
> >
> > How can I set up each tty to have a different background color?
> >
> > How can I do this so that the color is set automatically at startup?

The answer is in the FAQ:

> 7.12 How do I set (or reset) my initial terminal colors?
> The following shell script should work for VGA consoles:
> for n in 1 2 4 5 6 7 8; do
>      setterm -fore yellow -bold on -back blue -store > /dev/tty$n
>      done
> Substitute your favorite colors, and use /dev/ttyS$n for serial
> terminals.
> To make sure they are reset when people log out (if they've been
> changed):
> Replace the references to "getty" (or "mingetty" or "uugetty" or
> whatever) in /etc/inittab with references to "/sbin/mygetty."
> #!/bin/sh
> setterm -fore yellow -bold on -back blue -store > $1
> exec /sbin/mingetty $@


"If you wanna end war 'n' stuff, you gotta sing loud."
          - Arlo Guthrie


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (fred smith)
Subject: Re: Hard drive flipping bits!
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 02:26:27 GMT

Andy Bianchi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Really annoying problem:
: Unfortunately the system appears to be suffering from 
: an intermittent problem where a few bits (it is usually
: just one or two) in a file can become corrupted.

There was a posting a coupla months ago from someone else reporting
similar symptoms, which entirely went away when he replaced his
defective RAM. If you have spare RAM try swapping out the parts one
at a time. If not, go to sunsite, er, ah, I mean... oh I can't remember
the new name, and get MEMtest86 a good RAM diagnostic program and 
let it run overnight, or for a day or two.

 .----    Fred Smith    /              
( /__  ,__.   __   __ /  __   : /     
 /    /  /   /__) /  /  /__) .+'           Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
/    /  (__ (___ (__(_ (___ / :__                                 781-438-5471 
================================ Jude 1:24,25 =================================


From: Cliff Story <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PS1 format
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 00:15:23 -0700

I looked through my growing collection of Linux books and the "Linux
FAQ" and could not find the answer to this silly question:

        What is the format of the PS1 variable?

I want to change my prompt to something like:

        tty2 clyde$

when I'm logged on terminal 2 and in directory "clyde".


"If you wanna end war 'n' stuff, you gotta sing loud."
          - Arlo Guthrie


From: Ding-Jung Han <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Compiling gnome-libs rpm
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 03:24:23 -0400

I've tried to rebuild gnome-libs-1.0.9-1.src.rpm but failed. There's an
error msg like this:

File not found: /var/tmp/gnome-libs-1.0.9-root/usr/share/locale/*/*/*

It seems that every gnome src rpm has this problem. Any suggestion is



From: "S. Faust" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: How ready is Linux with IPv6?
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 03:40:56 -0400

depends on kernel version.
check the documentation on your kernel
should be in

Mohd-Hanafiah Abdullah wrote in message <7icvrq$66v$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Thanks for any info.  Cheers.


From: Adam Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: limit of command line argument number
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 08:41:19 +0100

> My platform is "Redhat Linux5.2 with Kernel 2.0.36, BASH 1.14.7.

That's a very old version of bash. Try the latest one.

Also, "Unix Power Tools" from O'Reilly has a section on the problem of
extremely long
command lines. 

Adam Atkinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Man is a giddy thing, and this is my conclusion


Subject: Road Runner Customer User Agreement Violation - Using Alternative Operating 
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 11:31:20 GMT

My Road Runner account will be terminated is the letter
I will be mailing to Time Warner on Tuesday:

[deleted address]
Westerville, OH 43081
May 24, 1999

Terry O'Connell
Time Warner Communications
1266 Dublin Road
Columbus, OH 43215

Dear Mr. O'Connell:

I was disappointed to learn from someone in your organization recently
that I am violating the Customer User Agreement by using an
unsupported operating system, BeOS for Intel.  I have made
arrangements to terminate my service from Time Warner, including cable
and Road Runner.  If Time Warner wishes to reconsider its position
please send a written version of the amended Customer User Agreement
to me at the address above.  Here is a portion of an email I received
from "Roadrunner Customer Support" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

"... At this time, the operating platforms which we support are:
Windows 95, 98,
and NT, and MacOS(excluding 8.5.x).

In the end, accessing the Service using means not supplied by us is
'hacking', and if discovered, can lead to suspension and/or
termination of

Sincerely yours,

Eddie Rowe


Subject: yorick problems with rh6.0
Date: 25 May 1999 13:35:47 +0200

I've downloaded and installed  yorick-1.4-11.i386.rpm everything went
just fine. But, executing the command yorick gives me 

[root@seismicuc oistein]# yorick 
yorick: error in loading shared libraries: yorick: undefined symbol: __setfpucw
[root@seismicuc oistein]# 

Any ideas? I'm sure everything was just fine with rh5.2.



From: Ralph Blach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What has happened to
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 07:33:40 -0400


what has happened to  It no longer seems to be
and the info which it provided was very useful.



Subject: SCSI Zip/Jaz Drives
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 03:12:09 -0400

I've got two ZipDrives, (one external, 100Mb parport,  one external, 100Mb
SCSI and  a 1Gb Jaz Drive. The SCSI Zip and the Jaz are connected to a
ZipZoom accelerator card, and the Parallel port Zip is, well, connected to
the parallel port.-)
My problem is, I can't get Linux to see either of the SCSI devices.
During "Install", when Linux asked if I have any SCSI devices, I say yes,
and do a probe, it comes back saying "It detects no SCSI devices". The
ZipZoom is based on the Adaptec 152X, but even when I choose it as the SCSI
device, it doesn't detect it.
I also have an adaptec AHA-1520A SGL ISA/SCSI card that's not connected, you
think I'll have better luck using it?-|
It sees the ParPort Zip just fine.

FYI; I have a MicronMillennia 166 P/64Mb Ram/ hda= Maxtor DiamondMax 8.4Gb/w
M$win on hda1/ hdb=Seagate 1.6Gb hdb1=Caldera OpenLinux 1.3

Anyone have any ideas?-)

Thanx Folks


From: A. Steinhoff <Armin@Steinhoff_de>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.qnx,comp.realtime,comp.arch.embedded
Subject: Linux vs. NT performance / Mindcraft results
Date: 25 May 1999 03:55:28 -0700

Bruce Weiner wrote in his rebuttal:
 "Setting the Record Straight: Where Got It Right and Wrong":

            "2.Mindcraft used a server with a MegaRAID controller
               with a beta driver (which was the latest version
               available at the time of the test) while the PC Week
               server used an eXtremeRAID controller with a fully
               released driver. The MegaRAID driver was single
               threaded while the eXtremeRAID driver was

That means that these Mindcraft guys were aware that they have tested 
the LINUX performance with a BETA DRIVER for the MegaRAID controller and
they were aware that this beta driver was just a SINGLE-THREADED driver!!

It's evident that the multi-threaded NT driver for the MegaRAID controller
has a much better performance under havy load as a single-threaded
driver ... so their so called test results are very dubiuos and rigged.

As Lincoln said:"One can cheat the poeple .. but only for a limited time"



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sebastian Koball)
Subject: AVI-Editor ?
Date: 25 May 1999 14:47:22 +0100

please help, can you suggest a good avi-editing programm for linux ?
i have to make avi-files from single bitmap-files and bitmaps or gifs from avi-files.
thank you 


From: Kevin Turnquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tape Backup causing lockup
Date: 25 May 1999 12:43:14 GMT

   I'm experiencing strange tape drive behavior on one of my machines.
   It doesn't seem to matter which kernel is involved, but when the tape
gets to backing up anything in the /lib directory, the machine locks
instantly.  No time for an error message on screen or in logs...

   Other machines don't exhibit this behavior.

   Could it be a bad/corrupted file in /lib, or something else?  I'm using
a Seagate Travan-8000 SCSI-2 drive for backup.  Presently, I'm using
kernel 2.2.7, with tape support as a module (it doesn't seem to matter).

   If anyone else has seen this behavior, I'd be grateful.  I really don't
want to re-install the distribution if I can help it.
Kevin Turnquist


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Tansley)
Subject: SBLive with Linux...*sob*
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 07:59:15 GMT

Okay, I give up. I really need some help getting my Soundblaster Live Value 
card to work with Linux. Could someone be kind enough to talk me through it 
from the beginning?

Assume I have a freshly installed SuSE 6.0 installation, a freshly 
downloaded copy of the Creative Drivers and an inquisitive mind.

I have recompiled the kernel following the insttruction 
sound as a module, and no other drivers selected (except /dev/dsp and 
/dev/audio). Then after installing the CL drivers I reboot and try insmod 
soundcore. This reports that it cant find a module called soundcore. 
Running insmod sblive give a lot of *.o problems.

Help!! Ta. 



From: "Cameron Spitzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Middleware to connect PostgreSQL to Web forms ?
Date: 24 May 1999 19:29:39 GMT

In the Microsoft world, folks who want to put a baseball card
collection or a shopping cart on the Web are told not to write
code, but to use a template connector to generate the Web forms
and "middleware" integrity logic that goes between the
CGI or ODBC driver and the SQL server.

In the Linux world, it's a little harder to find things.
Everywhere I've looked for a middleware package, I find a 
tutorial on how to roll the logic from scratch in C or Perl.
Am I looking in the wrong places?
Is there a package someplace that will read a high level template
and write the form processor that talks to the database engine?
I'll write the perl if I have to but it seems to me this problem
has probably been solved by a professional programmer.

Specific pointers would be appreciated.  Saying "just get connector"
really doesn't help someone who does not already know what "connector"
is, who wrote it, etc.  Many Linux applications have names
that are common dictionary words, and they cannot be found
by name alone using search engines.




From: "Dardo D. Kleiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Help: Access to Linux for disabled people: on screen keyboard for Linux ?
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 08:16:28 -0400

What - haven't been keeping up with FreshMeat?


From: "Tewpin Andrey (ôÀÐÉÎ áÎÄÒÅÊ)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.qnx,comp.realtime,comp.arch.embedded
Subject: Re: Linux vs. NT performance / Mindcraft results
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 18:19:02 +0400

1. In comp.arch.embedded it isn't so interesting...
2.Yes. Linux has some problems with threads...
3.Yes. Linux hasn't problems with drivers for newest devices...(no drivers -
no problems).


P.S. Don't worry. Linux's enough good OS w/o any tests...

A. Steinhoff wrote <7idvj0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ...
>Bruce Weiner wrote in his rebuttal:
> "Setting the Record Straight: Where Got It Right and Wrong":
>            "2.Mindcraft used a server with a MegaRAID controller
>               with a beta driver (which was the latest version
>               available at the time of the test) while the PC Week
>               server used an eXtremeRAID controller with a fully
>               released driver. The MegaRAID driver was single
>               threaded while the eXtremeRAID driver was
>               multi-threaded."
>That means that these Mindcraft guys were aware that they have tested
>the LINUX performance with a BETA DRIVER for the MegaRAID controller and
>they were aware that this beta driver was just a SINGLE-THREADED driver!!
>It's evident that the multi-threaded NT driver for the MegaRAID controller
>has a much better performance under havy load as a single-threaded
>driver ... so their so called test results are very dubiuos and rigged.
>As Lincoln said:"One can cheat the poeple .. but only for a limited time"


From: "Sigurdur Hannesson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: register_sound_mixer
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 12:25:27 -0000

I have just configured a new kernel 2.2.5 and trimed it down,
but when I compiled it came with the following error:

drivers/char/char.a(msp3400.o) In function 'msp3400c_init'
msp3400.o(text0x1b02): undefined reference to 'register_sound_mixer'

I configured the kernel to use SB64 as module and included 32AWE as module
also.  Can anyone give me a hint as to what is wrong.  Before I changed the
the card was configured in the same way, all I did was to take out all other
cards and
some things in the next section(low level sound something).



From: Giandomenico De Tullio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: LinuxHQ disappeared?
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 14:55:34 +0200

Johannes Rest wrote:
> Hi!
> I've noticed that one of my favourite web-links isn't available
> any more: I've used this link to track
> the kernel versions 2.2.x and now I do not know where
> I can find the current development resources/kernel versions.
> What happened to LinuxHQ? Is there any comparable site
> with the high quality information LinuxHQ provided? (closed!!!) -> (Open!!!:)

Windows98: Plug (lo scanner USB) and Pray (che non crashi il sistema)
Microsoft Outlook : dove vuoi vuoi vuoi vuoi vuoi postare oggi?


From: Alan Fang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I broke KDE: Desktop blank, programs won't run
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 01:10:23 -0700

Hello, I am the originator of this thread.
I fixed the problem the "Windows 95 Way"
I don't use Linux very much anymore.
Whatever I want to do, Windows 98 can do it better.



Subject: Re: KPPP stops KDE working
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:20:02 +0200

Ming98 wrote:
> I have an atrocious problem with KPPP. I can connect ok and use some
> applications already launched but KDE is then otherwise 'locked down'. As
> soon as I drop the KPPP connection KDE springs into life. I have found no
> error messages.

The problem is dued to the check in configuration to retrive the name of
the machine. Leave it unchecked. If I remember well it's in dns tab.
However the documentation of kppp reports this problem and the solution.

Ciao Mei


Crossposted-To: comp.os.qnx,comp.realtime,comp.arch.embedded
Subject: Re: Linux vs. NT performance / Mindcraft results
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 00:05:42 -0700

Linux is only a TOY, and NT is a total JOKE.  You guys should check out

if you guys are driving hardware not supported under Solaris, the
hardware is too new (ergo not tested), or is bad.



Tewpin Andrey (ôÀÐÉÎ áÎÄÒÅÊ) wrote:
> 1. In comp.arch.embedded it isn't so interesting...
> 2.Yes. Linux has some problems with threads...
> 3.Yes. Linux hasn't problems with drivers for newest devices...(no drivers -
> no problems).
>     At7
> P.S. Don't worry. Linux's enough good OS w/o any tests...
> A. Steinhoff wrote <7idvj0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ...
> >
> >Bruce Weiner wrote in his rebuttal:
> > "Setting the Record Straight: Where Got It Right and Wrong":
> >
> >            "2.Mindcraft used a server with a MegaRAID controller
> >               with a beta driver (which was the latest version
> >               available at the time of the test) while the PC Week
> >               server used an eXtremeRAID controller with a fully
> >               released driver. The MegaRAID driver was single
> >               threaded while the eXtremeRAID driver was
> >               multi-threaded."
> >
> >That means that these Mindcraft guys were aware that they have tested
> >the LINUX performance with a BETA DRIVER for the MegaRAID controller and
> >they were aware that this beta driver was just a SINGLE-THREADED driver!!
> >
> >It's evident that the multi-threaded NT driver for the MegaRAID controller
> >has a much better performance under havy load as a single-threaded
> >driver ... so their so called test results are very dubiuos and rigged.
> >
> >As Lincoln said:"One can cheat the poeple .. but only for a limited time"
> >
> >Armin
> >


Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 13:48:47 GMT

David Kastrup wrote in message ...
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Wilson) writes:
>> Just as I believe that a person should be presumed innocent until
>> proven guilty, I believe that a person should be presumed
>> responsbible enough to use a gun until they demonstrate otherwise.
>After they demonstrated otherwise, quite a few people may be dead.
>The U.S. requires a license for driving a car for that reason.  It
>does not require a license for a gun capable of killing many more

How old do you need to be to buy a car as opposed to a gun?

>> I don't believe in punishing those who are responsible by forcing
>> them to go through the trials and tribulations that an irresponsible
>> person should have to go through.
>A responsible person should not find that proving it is both capable
>and willing to use his/her weapon in a responsible way in an
>appropriate licensing procedure very hard.  People that find it a
>tribulation to demonstrate that they can properly handle a gun most
>probably can't.
I think there is a difference between being a responsible gun owner and
being controlled by the govt....

>> >I don't think that "anti-gunners" are of the opinion that the guns are
>> >committing crimes and should be punished.  But I don't see why it
>> >should be deemed necessary to furbish people at variance with a
>> >convenient means to kill one another.
>> I do, but then again, I don't consider killing to be be an action
>> that is unconditionally bad.  It is commonly claimed by the
>> anti-gunners that the primary purpose of a gun is to kill, which is
>> why they believe guns to be bad.  Well, personally, I'm not a
>> pacifist -- I consider killing in self-defense to be a perfectly
>> legitimate form of killing, which is why I consider guns to have a
>> perfectly legitimate purpose.
I agree for the most part (I do enjoy target shooting - the targets aren't
alive ;-) )

>Then why do you object wildly against even the most basic precautions
>to ensure that indeed the guns are used to a legitimate purpose?
I don't need the govt to control me to make sure I use MY guns for a legal

>> I would say that an innocent person has the right to defend himself
>> against any attacker, even if that attacker is a representative of
>> the state.  I am not one of those people who believe that one has a
>> moral obligation to obey the law, regardless of what the law is.
>Ok, so you would propose that citiznes should have the means and right
>to shoot officers of the law in case they, for example, come with
>bulldozers to pull down some building you have erected against state
>laws, right?
>Ok, thta is your private opinion.  But you must certainly see that it
>cannot be in the state's interest to support this opinion of yours.
But neither should they be suppressing opinions or taking away rights.

>> For example, I don't use recreational drugs, but I do favor people's
>> right to use them if they so desire (although I wouldn't necessarily
>> consider all recreational drug usage to be intelligent).  I consider
>> this right to be an implication of the right of self-governance,
>> which I advocate.  Because I consider both the political institution
>> of representative democracy *and* the ban upon recreational drug use
>> to be an infringement upon this right, I don't acknowledge any
>> obligation to abide by them.  If the DEA's thugs were to break into
>> the house of a marijuana dealer (which they often do), I would
>> support the right of the occupants to use deadly force to defend
>> themselves against such an invasion.  However, it would be incumbent
>> upon the occupants to demonstrate that their use of force was
>> employed defensively against a threat to their person or property
>> rather than against an innocent person, so as to insure to other
>> members of the community that they're not a threat to innocent
>> people.
>So you consider police officers enforcing the laws as criminals (as
>opposed to innocent people) and consider shooting them when they are
>sent to uphold the law an appropriate measure.
>I can understand you have some dread considering licensing.  A person
>expressing these views is *indeed* not one that would get a gun
>license easily.
>> I'm opposed to committing any form of lynching, as such an action is
>> retaliatory in nature, and not defensive.  Immediate defensive
>> action is required during an instance of aggression.  However,
>> *after* such instances, when it is necessary to apprehend the
>> aggressor so as to exact compensation for his action or deliver
>> punishment, those suspected as responsible must be proven
>> responsible before any compensation is exacted or punishment
>> delivered.  A court procedure adjudicated by a neutral party that
>> both the injured party and the suspect can agree upon is required if
>> the injured party is to achieve justice for himself without wrongly
>> convicting an innocent person.  A lynch mob does not respect the
>> right of due process, and hence can easily end up punishing innocent
>> people.  That is why I oppose lynching, despite the fact that I
>> support the right to use immediate use of *defensive* force by those
>> who are threatened or endangered by others.
>Oh, lynching is perfectly defensive.  It is a way of defending the
>community against further outrages.  It should be an everyday exercise
>after shooting a police officer to atone by taking the law into one's
>own hand and deliver the justice the police officer cannot serve any
>longer to some creep or weirdo or generally guilty looking person.
>David Kastrup                                     Phone: +49-234-700-5570
>Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Fax: +49-234-709-4209
>Institut für Neuroinformatik, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany


Crossposted-To: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 13:31:38 GMT

I am trying to use a text file with a lisr of
workstations listed on it to feed a loop that will
map to a workstation and do a routine then
disconnect from it and do the next.  The net use
command is giving me trouble.  I cannot seem to
use the < IOredirect as the input.  Has anyone
used a < command in a loop to run a process.
Could anyone send me some code or examples.

Christopher M. Cannata

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: Mihaly Gyulai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: remote root telnet in RedHat 6.0
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 08:53:21 GMT

In article <XJ%13.884$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Jim Orfanakos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just installed RedHat 6.0, modified the same files but I still cannot
> telnet in as root (other users can telnet it).

I don't know what file is relevant for allowing this, but...
Allowing a root telnet is a big security risk. If you really need
such function, you have to search for 'ssh' package, which is
recommended for doing this...

Mihaly Gyulai

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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