On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 04:48:20AM +0100, Wang, Yalin wrote:
> Hi  Will,


Sorry for the delayed reply, it took me a while to work out what your issue

> Thanks for your suggestion,
> The scenario that I encounter is a little special :
> I found our kernel memory will be corrupt in stability test ,
> Seems that someone write a memory that doesn't belong to it .
> But I can't find who does it , the bug is hard to reproduce ,
> So I want make a debug SW in kernel , which can monitor some data access,
> When someone access it , the callback function can check if it's right .
> If it's wrong, then crash the kernel do get a ram dump .
> So kgdb or perf seems not suitable in this condition ,
> We need users to use devices, not just test the device in Lab .

I think Google did something similar to this with ChromeOS on the
Exynos5-based chromebooks:


I don't think that has a place in the mainline kernel, but you could
certainly adapt it for your debugging purposes.

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