Linux-Networking Digest #856, Volume #9          Tue, 12 Jan 99 01:13:36 EST

  Re: Trouble with networ-card ne2000 PCI (Yves Schlegel)
  Pioneer DRM-1804X jukebox drivers. (Nick Belnap)
  Re: database suggestions, please? ("Vance Greenway")
  Re: modem hangs with 56K USR external on RH5.2 Please help!! (Clifford Kite)
  Networking Question (Chris Sanders)
  Re: Samba and Appache setups ("Michael A. Irons")
  Re: linux firewall is getting a really bad speed hit (A Hart)
  Re: need ipchains example for simple network ("Robert L. Ziegler")
  Re: buffer overflow (Bistromath)
  Re: sendmail and smbd are SO slow on boot (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have Cox@home but am 
  Installing 3C509B NIC (Tim Taylor)
  Re: Netscape plug-ins ("Thomas Bendler")
  Help with digital camera checksum calculation - a challenge (Brian Miller)
  Re: win98 to Linux Networking Problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Yves Schlegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trouble with networ-card ne2000 PCI
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:33:03 +0100

Thank you very much, I already solved the problem. It was a false subnet-address. I 
used instead of That's why it couldn't use the netmask I set the
subnet to and everything works fine!

Nevertheless, thank you very much for your help!

root wrote:

> Yves Schlegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hello everyone out there!
> >
> > I'm new to linux and I faced some problems configuring the network. I'm
> > using SuSE 5.3 with kernel 2.0.35.
> > The loopback network is working very well, but not eth0. I'm using a
> > NE2000-compatible PCI card with realtek8029-chip, it is correctly
> > detected, but I can't ping on When I ping the server on
> > from a client, I just receive Host unreachable, when I ping
> > it is reachable!
>                 The that you are pinging (from the client) is not a 
>server, but
> the loopback device of the client (e.g. win95)
>                 So first of all, have you given a valid ip address to the client ? 
> since is the address of the serrver.
> > I saw that in startup there was an error-message, netmask not correct
> > defined. But it should be correct becuase it is set to,
> > broadcast, subnet
>                 Do an ifconfig on the server, and let us know of the results. Your 
> seem correct, although the is really the network address since you are 
> subnetworking at the moment.
>                 By the way, if you ping from the server, do you get a 
>valid reply ?
> If yes, then the problem most probably is a misconfigured client.
> ----------------------
> p94003@rainbow.**NOSPAM**
> remove **NOSPAM** to reply !


Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:36:04 -0700
From: Nick Belnap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pioneer DRM-1804X jukebox drivers.

Does anyone know of a driver for a drm-1804x cd jukebox for Linux?


From: "Vance Greenway" <>
Subject: Re: database suggestions, please?
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:00:59 -0800

i just made the same decision and went with postgresql.  it handles large
databases just fine, has ample support online, is free and conforms to sql
standards.  mysql is also probably free depending on how you use it and is
supposed to be pretty good, though i hear it uses a special form of
sql...the details i do not know.  Also, informix is giving away their linux
products free to developers.  you can visit their site for more info.

Alice Dobry wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I'm setting up a Linux web server, and need to choose a data base
>as well.  The data base, when it's actually implemented, will be
>updated periodically through the day and needs to be accessible
>via CGI.  It also needs to interface with Java servlets, SQL, and
>ODBC.  I have no other criteria other than the database will
>become very large, lots of records, say 200 MB to 1 GB file
>size.  It also needs to be transferable back to Windows NT in
>case the boss says we're moving back to NT.
>I've looked at SAL's home page of databases.  There are just so
>many to choose from.  The big commercial guys (Informix, Oracle,
>IBM DB2) offer mostly vague marketing material on their web
>sites. I've been interested in some of the products from Europe.
>Without rambling on more, I'm interested in whether one of you
>could suggest a database for me.  The only real requirement is
>that the database/server have quick performance given it will
>likely be big, be well documented (I'm coming to Linux from
>Windows), and be the Relational type.  I don't mind spending big
>bucks on it if there are obvious advantages.
>Thanks.  Really appreciate any replies.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: modem hangs with 56K USR external on RH5.2 Please help!!
Date: 11 Jan 1999 22:03:59 -0600

Ravi Iyengar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: hi:

: I am trying to get my PPP conn set up on my RH5.2 (2.0.36) and my modem
: seems to hang when it reaches the 'OK-+++\c-OK' part of my dialer
: script. I am using the dialer script as in the PPP HOWTO document.
: The same thing happens when I use minicom too (I dunno where it hangs
: in this case).
: I am using an external modem and my serial port looks fine. I dont have
: any conflicts (I/O port or IRQ). And the modem is not a winmodem.
: I have a static IP from my ISP.
: My /var/log/messages just says that my connect script failed.
: The bizarre thing is when I run ppp-on, sometimes the modem doesnt dial
: the specified number. It omits one or two numbers. I have never seen
: this before.!!!!!

I don't understand, does the modem hang as in your first paragraph and
then eventually dial?

It still sounds like an IRQ problem anyway.  The IRQ that the modem
uses must be configured properly by setserial somewhere in the /etc/rc.*
scripts.  In Slackware it's /etc/rc.d/rc.serial, for RH I don't know.

A look in /var/log/messages should tell you whether I'm right.  If the
number is eventually dialed, then look at the time between when the
OK-+++\c-OK is sent and the time that the OK actually appears.  More than
one second delay can mean little else except an IRQ problem.

Clifford Kite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       Not a guru. (tm)
/* Editing with vi is a lot better than using a huge swiss army knife. */


Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:54:57 -0600
From: Chris Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Networking Question

I have just installed RedHat Linux 5.1.  I am now attempting to
setup the IP stack so it can see NT and OS/2 boxes on the

So far everything seems fine except the Linux box cannot ping
anyone but itself.

The ifcfg-eth0 file is as follows:

The network file is as follows:

I have tried many other variations but none seem to work.
(i.e class A, B, and C network setups, various static routes etc..)

Curiously i noticed that the arp cache on the Linux box gets an
entry when any NT or OS/2 box tries to Ping the Linux box
however the Linux box trying to Ping either an OS/2 or NT box
does not produce an entry in either the OS/2 or NT box.  The
OS/2 and NT boxes can always see each other fine and the arp
cache is filled in as expected after they ping one another.

The fact that the correct MAC address are showing up in the
Linux box leads me to believe that hardware, drivers, etc.. are not
an issue.  However there does seem to be some outstanding TCP/IP
setup issue.  Are there any Linux inplementation details I am missing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Chris Sanders


From: "Michael A. Irons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Samba and Appache setups
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 07:40:03 -0800

Bill the Human Half wrote:

> Hello ,
> I have a small network running.  My multiboot Server, Linux / Windoze98.
> When in 98 the other stations can print and access the net via sharing and
> Sygate proxy.
> When I boot into Linux the other stations can use the web, mail, ftp etc...
> via ip masq.
> I how ever can't print or see the Linux Box except by pinging it by ip.
> I have tried setting up Samba and have had no luck.  I haven't found a good
> HOWTO. Can anyone give me a helpful instruction package.
> Also on my Windows side I have my own domain via I use a
> windows based program that sends my ip to them and they use my
> as the IP fowarding.  I use the PWS and Sygate prozy
> firewall to host my Local ftp and web site.


  You can do this with support from With this I have my home machine
as They have the programs needed on their web site as they
support Linux :) They even have the stuff in RPMs.

> By now you are wondering were I am going.. Appache was installed via the
> Redhat 5.2 package.  I upgraded from 5.0 adding everything.. I can't seem to
> get it working.. I start it goto another computer on my land and http:// IP
> or vgaphost  and get nothing.  Can anyone help with this..
> Thanks in advance for any help given...
> Bill

  Can you brows your webserver from the linux box?? With my setup I needed to
set the ServerName to in the http.config file to brows from
other machines on the net. Note that this name has to be resolvable by them for
them to be able to brows you. If not they will try to brows whatever machine
resolves to that name.

>From http.conf:

# ServerName allows you to set a host name which is sent back to clients for
# your server if it's different than the one the program would get (i.e. use
# "www" instead of the host's real name).
# Note: You cannot just invent host names and hope they work. The name you
# define here must be a valid DNS name for your host. If you don't understand
# this, ask your network administrator.



Subject: Re: linux firewall is getting a really bad speed hit
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 23:45:52 GMT

On a test using my ADSL connection from my Win98 computer through my
Linux box and running a speed test I got an average speed of 1.711596
MegaBits per second on a 10Megabyte transfer. I am quite happy with
that. The ADSL modem activity light is a solid orange during this
test!  This is probably almost the limit of my ADSL line. The Linux
box did not seem to have any trouble keeping up. In fact I had another
download going on at the same time, so it was having to watch and
translate not just one circuit.

The speed test is found at

The Linux box is running a 486dx2-66 and 16 megs of ram. The above
speed test was running through Masquerade i.e. much the same as you
are having problems with. One net card is a 3Com509 and the other is
an old WD8013.

"Johnny Icon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have been trying to get my little private network to work with Linux
>Ip masquareding/ firewall.< just TCP loaded>
>yes I got it working, my firewall is accepting and denying all the right
>but, I have noticed a huge hit in the thruput once the linux box is running
>the Wall, normally I get an average of 500Kps with a direct connection
>from the cable modem thru the hub into an Win98 box a little slower if
>connect to the Linux box straight into eth0,
>when the fire wall is up, sitting at the lanned Win98 box thruput drops down
>to no greater that 20 Kps sometimes worse, the linux box still has a bit of
>a speed hit when firewall is up but the masquareded clients are really
>What is happening to the bandwidth, this really sucks.
>Does anyone who knows Linux firewalls have this problem. I would love to
>know how to cure this problem.


From: "Robert L. Ziegler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: need ipchains example for simple network
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 18:50:36 -0500

Mark Cooperstein wrote:

>         I'm in the processing of reading the IPCHAINS howto, which is
> extremely voluminous.  In the meantime, I'd like to get up and running quickly
> and would appreciate it if someone had a simple script to help me get my
> network working while I study the howto's.

> So, can anyone give me the commands to get ipchains to work on my network? I'd
> be happy with just getting web browsing to work for now.  I can figure out the
> rest once thats up.

I think you'll find what you want at my web site.  There is a tutorial at
<>, including downloadable ipfwadm and
ipchains examples.  

There is a free version of my firewall design program at
<>.  It will produce either ipfwadm
or ipchains custom firewall scripts.  NB:  I use ipfwadm.  The ipchains code
has not been as thoroughly tested.  If you use it, please let me know if there
are syntax problems in the ipchains script.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bistromath)
Crossposted-To: alt.2600,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: Re: buffer overflow
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 23:46:00 GMT

Subscribe to BUGTRAQ and read up on back issues at
There's a new overflow every week or so.


On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:35:45 -0300, "Artur Rodrigues"

>    I read some exploits that use buffer overflow in some utilities, like a
>ping, BIND and so on..
>    How can I get more information about buffer overflow attack?
>Artur Rodrigues


From: Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: sendmail and smbd are SO slow on boot
Date: 11 Jan 1999 22:28:12 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris) writes:

> For whatever reason, sendmail takes about 4 minutes to load during
> boot and the smb daemon takes a good 10-15's crazy.
> Any help on these issues would be great.
> (RedHat 5.1 Manhattan, 2.0.35, PCMCIA 3Com Etherlink)

add an entry to /etc/hosts for your fqdn to stop the dns timeouts.

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.0pre5ac1 i586 | at public servers
The whole history of computers is rampant with cheerleading at best and
bigotry at worst.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: "anarkissed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have Cox@home but 
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 23:59:28 GMT

Miguel Cruz wrote in message <77dcgd$3jl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Even though it changes all the time, you really only have to pay the two
>dollars once. After you have it working, you can easily update online. The
>CD is just to get you started the first time. It really will make your life
>easier. If the two dollars is a problem, give me your address and I'll
>it for you.

Now there's a curious thing.  I hear it's only two dollars american, which
makes it actually four dollars here in canada, but the local store charges
sixty dollars plus fifteen in taxes.
So, it's not that cheap, two weeks grocery budget!  Heck, a blank CD is four
dollars canadian now that they put that stupid surcharge on blank recording
media (supposed to compensate recording artists for lost revenues from


From: Tim Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing 3C509B NIC
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 00:54:44 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I've been trying unsuccessfully for the better part of a month to get
this working.  Hopefully someone here can help.

I have an old 486 machine and I installed RedHat Linux 5.2 (kernel
2.0.36) on it.  I have 1 3-com 3C509B-TP card installed in the machine.
I'm trying to connect it to my other computer which is a Win95 machine.
They are connected via a hub.

What I'm seeing is that on the Linux machine, the 3c509b is detected at
boot time.  Running ifconfig reports the proper settings for the card.
>From the Linux machine, I can ping, it's own IP (
and the IP address of the win95 machine (  These all work
great.  However, if I try to ping the Linux machine from the win95
machine, there is no response.

On the Linux machine, I see the following during boot:
eth0: 3c509 at 0x300 tag 1, 10baseT port, address 00:60:97:b0:28:0e, IRQ
3c509.c:1.16 2/3/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
eth0: Setting Rx mode to 1 addresses.

ifconfig reports the following:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr:00:60:97:B0:28:0E
       inet addr: bcast: mask:
       interrupt:10 base address:0x300

route reports the following:
dest              gateway       genmask       flags   metric    ref
use  iface      *    U         0           0
4    eth0

I have disabled PNP on the card, and I know the card is good as I have
booted the machine using a dos floppy and run the full set of
diagnostics using 3c5x9cfg.exe including the echo test with the Linux
machine as both the echo server and echo client.

looking at the output of 'cat /proc/ioports' doesn't show any I/O port
conflicts and 'cat /proc/interrupts' doesn't show any IRQ conflicts.

I'm so close to having this working, but just haven't been able to
figure out why I can ping the other machines on my local network, but
they can't ping the Linux machine.  If anyone can provide any ideas as
to what I need to do to make this work I would be very grateful.

- Tim Taylor

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Tim Taylor
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tel;fax:(781) 271-7231
tel;work:(781) 271-8770
org:The Mitre Corp.;D510
adr:;;202 Burlington Rd.;Bedford;MA;01730;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Lead Software Systems Engineer



From: "Thomas Bendler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape plug-ins
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 17:16:09 +0100

you need special plugins for linux because linux can not work with win code.

regards Thomas

Ollie Acheson schrieb in Nachricht <779650$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Do plug-ins work for Netscape 4.5 for Linux? I tried following the
>instructions for the Realaudio plug-ins, but the Plug-in button is greyed
>in my Netscape. This a Win95 feature that didn't quite make it to Linux?
>| Ollie Acheson             |
>| Morristown, NJ            |


From: Brian Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Help with digital camera checksum calculation - a challenge
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 11:17:10 +1100


I have a Ricoh RDC-2E digital camera that downloads its pictures to a PC
via a serial cable.  Things work fine under Windows, but I'm going to
and write a program under Linux to do this.

The camera isn't supported by the already existing digital camera
for Linux, so I'll have to write my own.

I have put a data scope on the serial line, and have pretty much pulled
the protocol apart enough to be at a point where I can start writing
some pre-alpha code... well all except for the calculation of the 

This is where I need help.

I have written up the bits of the protocol I have pulled apart at and
have a section at the end with a few frame examples with checksums.

I'd very much appreciate it if anyone who can "crack" the checksum
algorithm if they would contact me and tell me how it works.

I can see in places that it uses an XOR, and think it may also do some
bit shifting.  But that's as far as I can get.

For those people who want even more data to look at, download but beware
that Netscape may uncompress the file when you go to save it but leave
the .gz extention on the file.  The compressed file is 165610 bytes
and the uncompressed file is 1037938 bytes long.

Thanks in advance to all who attempt the challenge.

Brian Miller                                 Telstra
CDN Product Group                            30/242 Exhibition Street
ITG Communication Network Platforms          Melbourne, VIC 3000
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Australia
Tel: +61-3-9632-3883                         FAX: +61-3-9632-3884


Subject: Re: win98 to Linux Networking Problem
Date: 11 Jan 1999 19:17:29 GMT

Daniel L. Wiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> see the Linux box  in network neighborhood but it asks me for a password
> when I click on it. I can't seem to get around this.

Hello, same problem , quickly solved by commenting the line containing the

; /etc/smb.conf
; "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account
;       in this server for every user accessing the server.
;   security = user

Check the samba manual page for details. This solves the problem when you
have shared resources, NOT when you have for example, the [homes] field,
which requires USER/PASSWORD on the Unix machine...



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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