Krekna Mektek wrote:

>I want to rebuilt from the good one and the faulty one. That's why I
>wanted to dd the disk to an image file, but it complains it has no
>boot sector.
>>>>I did the folowing:
>>>>dd conv=noerror if=dev/hdd1 of=/mnt/hdb1/Faulty-RAIDDisk.img
>>>>losetup /dev/loop0 /mnt/hdb1/Faulty-RAIDDisk.img
You could try doing this again using ddrescue (google if you need to
install it):

   ddrescue dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdb1/Faulty-RAIDDisk.img  

Then do it again using -r10 (to increase the retries on the faulty sectors)

   ddrescue -r10 dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdb1/Faulty-RAIDDisk.img  

This will be much quicker because the log file contains details of the
faulty sectors.
With luck (mucho luck) you may not even lose data.



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