On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Bart Van Assche
<bart.vanass...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Chris Worley <worl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It appears that SRP tries to coalesce and fragment initiator I/O
>> requests into 64KB packets, as that looks to be the size requested
>> to/from the device on the target side (and the I/O scheduler is
>> disabled on the target).
>> Is there a way to control this, where no coalescing occurs when
>> latency is an issue and requests are small, and no fragmentation
>> occurs when requests are large?
>> Or, am I totally wrong in my assumption that SRP is coalescing/fragmenting 
>> data?
> Regarding avoiding coalescing of I/O requests: which I/O scheduler is
> being used on the initiator system and how has it been configured via
> sysfs ?

There is no scheduler running on either target or initiator on the
drives in question (sorry I worded that incorrectly initially), or so
I've been told (this information is second-hand).  I did see iostat
output from the initiator in his case, where there were long waits and
service times that I'm guessing was due to some coalescing/merging.
There was also a hint in the iostat output that a scheduler was
enabled, as there were non-zero values (occasionally) under the
[rw]qm/s columns, which, if I understand iostat correctly, means there
is a scheduler merging results.

So you're saying there is no hold-off for merging on the initiator
side of the IB/SRP stack?
> Adjusting the constant MAX_RDMA_SIZE in scst/srpt/src/ib_srpt.h might
> help to avoid fragmentation of large requests by the SRP protocol.
> Please post a follow-up message to the mailing list with your findings
> such that MAX_RDMA_SIZE can be converted from a compile-time constant
> to a sysfs variable if this would be useful.

Will do.


> Bart.
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