The attached files can be used to test the torus-2QoS routing
engine using ibsim.

fabric-torus-5x5x5 contains a fabric description that ibsim can read.
Once ibsim is running, run opensm like this:

  opensm --config opensm.conf --torus_config torus-2QoS-5x5x5.conf
  opensm --config opensm.conf --torus_config torus-2QoS-5x5x5.conf \
     -Q --qos_policy_file qos-policy-torus-5x5x5.conf

-- Jim

Attachment: fabric-torus-5x5x5.bz2
Description: application/bzip

# Limit the maximal operational VLs
max_op_vls 8

# The number of seconds between subnet sweeps (0 disables it)
sweep_interval 10

# Routing engine
# Multiple routing engines can be specified separated by
# commas so that specific ordering of routing algorithms will
# be tried if earlier routing engines fail.
# Supported engines: minhop, updn, file, ftree, lash, dor
routing_engine torus-2QoS,no_fallback

# Use unicast routing cache (use FALSE if unsure)
use_ucast_cache TRUE

# Force flush of the log file after each log message
force_log_flush TRUE

# Log file to be used
log_file /dev/tty

# console [off|local|loopback|socket]
console loopback

# Telnet port for console (default 10000)
console_port 10000

# QoS default options
# Note that for OFED > 1.3, this information can also be in qos-policy.conf.
# However, it may be good to have it here also for torus-2QoS, as this will
# change the defaults even if not using QoS.
qos_max_vls 8
qos_high_limit 0
qos_vlarb_high 0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0
qos_vlarb_low 0:64,1:64,2:64,3:64,4:64,5:64,6:64,7:64,8:64
qos_sl2vl (null)
# This is a QoS configuration for the torus-2QoS routing engine.
# As it supports only 2 levels of QoS, via SL bit 3, we should configure
# only SLs 0 and 8.  Based on that torus-2QoS will pick the appropriate
# SL value to provide deadlock-free routing for both QoS levels.

        name: Service_nodes
        port-name: "H_0_0_0_0/P1"       # E.g. admin
        port-name: "H_0_0_1_0/P1"       # E.g. NFS server
        port-name: "H_0_0_2_0/P1"       # E.g. boot server
        port-name: "H_0_0_3_0/P1"       # E.g. login node

        name: Lustre_nodes

        port-name: "H_0_0_4_0/P1"       # E.g. MDS

        port-name: "H_0_1_0_0/P1"       # E.g. OSS
        port-name: "H_0_1_1_0/P1"       # E.g. OSS
        port-name: "H_0_1_2_0/P1"       # E.g. OSS
        port-name: "H_0_1_3_0/P1"       # E.g. OSS
        port-name: "H_0_1_4_0/P1"       # E.g. OSS

        name: Compute_nodes

        port-name: "H_0_2_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_2_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_2_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_2_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_2_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_0_3_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_3_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_3_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_3_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_3_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_0_4_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_4_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_4_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_4_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_0_4_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_1_0_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_0_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_0_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_0_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_0_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_1_1_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_1_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_1_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_1_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_1_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_1_2_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_2_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_2_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_2_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_2_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_1_3_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_3_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_3_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_3_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_3_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_1_4_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_4_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_4_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_4_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_1_4_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_2_0_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_0_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_0_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_0_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_0_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_2_1_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_1_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_1_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_1_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_1_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_2_2_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_2_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_2_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_2_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_2_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_2_3_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_3_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_3_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_3_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_3_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_2_4_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_4_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_4_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_4_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_2_4_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_3_0_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_0_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_0_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_0_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_0_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_3_1_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_1_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_1_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_1_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_1_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_3_2_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_2_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_2_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_2_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_2_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_3_3_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_3_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_3_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_3_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_3_3_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_4_4_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_4_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_4_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_4_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_4_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_4_0_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_0_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_0_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_0_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_0_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_4_1_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_1_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_1_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_1_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_1_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_4_2_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_2_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_2_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_2_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_2_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_4_3_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_3_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_3_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_3_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_3_4_0/P1"

        port-name: "H_4_4_0_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_4_1_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_4_2_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_4_3_0/P1"
        port-name: "H_4_4_4_0/P1"

        name: All_ports
        node-type: ALL

# The default VL arbitration setup will not be quite right for
# torus-2QoS, so set up something more appropriate.
# All the SLs for a given QoS level need to have equal traffic priority.
# Since SLs 0-7 map to VLs 0-3, and SLs 8-15 map to VLs 4-7, we need 
# equal VL arbitration weightings in each of those VL ranges.
# OFED 1.3 doesn't use this information, just parses and drops it on the floor,
# so it needs to be repeated in opensm.conf.  Putting it in opensm.conf has
# the added benefit that the defaults can be set and used even if QoS isn't
# configured.
            group: All_ports
            across: All_ports

            vl-high-limit: 0

            vlarb-high: 0:0
            vlarb-high: 1:0
            vlarb-high: 2:0
            vlarb-high: 3:0
            vlarb-high: 4:0
            vlarb-high: 5:0
            vlarb-high: 6:0
            vlarb-high: 7:0
            vlarb-high: 8:0
            vlarb-high: 9:0
            vlarb-high: 10:0
            vlarb-high: 11:0
            vlarb-high: 12:0
            vlarb-high: 13:0
            vlarb-high: 14:0

            vlarb-low: 0:64
            vlarb-low: 1:64
            vlarb-low: 2:64
            vlarb-low: 3:64
            vlarb-low: 4:64
            vlarb-low: 5:64
            vlarb-low: 6:64
            vlarb-low: 7:64
            vlarb-low: 8:64
            vlarb-low: 9:64
            vlarb-low: 10:64
            vlarb-low: 11:64
            vlarb-low: 12:64
            vlarb-low: 13:64
            vlarb-low: 14:64

# We don't explicitly use the qos-class keyword in qos-match-rule, because
# we don't have any control over how apps will specify qos-class in path
# queries, and we don't want rule matching falures due to wrong qos-class
# values in queries.
        name: DEFAULT
        sl: 0

    # By assigning Lustre and MPI traffic to different SLs (and thus 
    # different VLs) we keep MPI and Lustre from starving each other.
        name: Lustre
        sl: 0

        name: MPI
        sl: 8

# For the purposes of QoS configuration, MPI is not a supported ULP.
# Need to use port group match rules get MPI to request SL 8.
    ipoib : 0
    default : 0

# Note that the first matching rule is used to assign the qos-level-name
# used to chose the SL to send on, and that anything that doesn't match
# one of the above rules will be assigned to the DEFAULT qos-level.
        source: Compute_nodes
        destination: Compute_nodes
        qos-level-name: MPI

        source: Lustre_nodes
        qos-level-name: Lustre

        destination: Lustre_nodes
        qos-level-name: Lustre

    # Note that anything that doesn't match one of the above rules
    # will be assigned to the DEFAULT qos-level.
# We want the torus routing engine to attempt to find a
# 5x5x5 torus in the fabric:
torus 5 5 5

# We need to tell the routing engine what directions we
# want the torus coordinate directions to be, by specifing
# the endpoints (switch GUID + port) of a link in each
# direction.  Here we specify positive coordinate directions:
xp_link 0x200000 1 0x200019 2  # S_0_0_0/P1 -> S_1_0_0/P2
yp_link 0x200000 3 0x200005 4  # S_0_0_0/P3 -> S_0_1_0/P4
zp_link 0x200000 5 0x200001 6  # S_0_0_0/P5 -> S_0_0_1/P6

# If one of the above switches were to fail, the routing
# engine would not have sufficient information to locate the
# torus in the fabric.  Specify a backup origin here:

xp_link 0x20001f 1 0x200038 2  # S_1_1_1/P1 -> S_2_1_1/P2
yp_link 0x20001f 3 0x200024 4  # S_1_1_1/P3 -> S_1_2_1/P4
zp_link 0x20001f 5 0x200020 6  # S_1_1_1/P5 -> S_1_1_2/P6

# The torus routing engine uses the concept of a dateline,
# where a coordinate wraps from its maximum back to zero,
# in order to compute path SL values that provide routing
# that is free from credit loops.
# If it is forced by a failed switch to use the backup
# origin specification, that would cause the datelines
# to move, which would change many path SL values, which
# defeats one of the main benefits of this routing engine.
# So, describe the position of the original datelines
# relative to the backup origin as follows:
x_dateline -1
y_dateline -1
z_dateline -1

# You can specify as many backup origins as you like, but
# in practice, the torus routing engine is only guaranteed
# to be able to route around a single failed switch without
# introducing credit loops, so one backup origin is enough.

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