On Wed, 24 Mar 2010, Sasha Khapyorsky wrote:

Hi Dale,

On 18:06 Wed 03 Mar     , Dale Purdy wrote:

Provide a means to specify on a per switch basis the mapping (order)
between switch ports and dimensions for Dimension Order Routing.  This
allows the DOR routing engine to be used when the cabling is not
properly aligned for DOR, either initially, or for an upgrade.

Nice stuff.

Is this something useful with ! '-R dor'?

I'm not using the dimn_ports array in anything but DOR, but I do think
it could be useful for some of the other routing engines.

Signed-off-by: Dale Purdy <pu...@sgi.com>

The patch itself is broken somehow - it has double space at start of
non-changed line (it is fixable with sed -e 's/^  / /', so don't resend
patch only for this).

Yes I see - odd.  The original patch file didn't have this - must have
happened when loading it into mail.  Hopefully my updated patch will
be ok.

Some more minor comments are below.

+static int set_dimn_ports(void *ctx, uint64_t guid, char *p)
+       osm_ucast_mgr_t *m = ctx;
+       osm_node_t *node = osm_get_node_by_guid(m->p_subn, cl_hton64(guid));
+       osm_switch_t *sw;
+       uint8_t *dimn_ports = NULL;
+       uint8_t port;
+       uint *ports = NULL;

'uint' is not something standard (we had some build compatibility issues
with 'uint' in infiniband-diags in the past), so what about 'unsigned

ok, fixed.

+       const int bpw = sizeof(*ports)*8;
+       int words;
+       int i = 1; /* port 0 maps to port 0 */
+       if (!node || !(sw = node->sw)) {
+               OSM_LOG(m->p_log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
+                       "switch with guid 0x%016" PRIx64 " is not found\n",
+                       guid);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       if (sw->dimn_ports) {
+               OSM_LOG(m->p_log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
+                       "switch with guid 0x%016" PRIx64 " already listed\n",
+                       guid);

It is GIUD double listed case, right? Wouldn't OSM_LOG_VERBOSE be more


+       while ((*p != '\0') && (*p != '#')) {
+               char *e;
+               port = strtoul(p, &e, 0);
+               if ((p == e) || (port == 0) || (port >= sw->num_ports) ||
+                   !osm_node_get_physp_ptr(node, port)) {
+                       OSM_LOG(m->p_log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
+                               "bad port %d specified for guid 0x%016" PRIx64 
+                               port, guid);
+                       free(dimn_ports);
+                       free(ports);



+                       return 0;
+               }
+               if (ports[port/bpw] & (1u << (port%bpw))) {
+                       OSM_LOG(m->p_log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
+                               "port %d already specified for guid 0x%016" PRIx64 
+                               port, guid);



+       cl_qmap_apply_func(p_sw_guid_tbl, free_dimn_ports, NULL);
+       if (p_mgr->p_subn->opt.dimn_ports_file) {
+               OSM_LOG(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
+                       "Fetching dimension ports file \'%s\'\n",
+                       p_mgr->p_subn->opt.dimn_ports_file);
+               if (parse_node_map(p_mgr->p_subn->opt.dimn_ports_file,
+                                  set_dimn_ports, p_mgr)) {
+                       OSM_LOG(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 3A05: "
+                               "cannot parse dimn_ports_file \'%s\'\n",
+                               p_mgr->p_subn->opt.dimn_ports_file);
+               }
+       }

Hmm, if it is DOR only it can be done under 'if (is_dor)' (to save
cycles of other REs). Otherwise (generic usability)
ucast_mgr_setup_all_switches() seems as more appropriate place to have
such setup, no?

moved to ucast_mgr_setup_all_switches() as you suggested.

And what about adding:

        if (sw->dimn_ports)

in osm_switch_delete()?


New patch attached.

Dimension port order file support (V2)

Provide a means to specify on a per switch basis the mapping (order)
between switch ports and dimensions for Dimension Order Routing.  This
allows the DOR routing engine to be used when the cabling is not
properly aligned for DOR, either initially, or for an upgrade.

Signed-off-by: Dale Purdy <pu...@sgi.com>
 opensm/include/opensm/osm_subnet.h |    1 +
 opensm/include/opensm/osm_switch.h |   30 +++++++++
 opensm/man/opensm.8.in             |   31 ++++++++--
 opensm/opensm/main.c               |   13 ++++-
 opensm/opensm/osm_subnet.c         |    7 ++
 opensm/opensm/osm_switch.c         |    4 +-
 opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_mgr.c      |  116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 7 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/opensm/include/opensm/osm_subnet.h b/opensm/include/opensm/osm_subnet.h
index 3970e98..e4e298e 100644
--- a/opensm/include/opensm/osm_subnet.h
+++ b/opensm/include/opensm/osm_subnet.h
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ typedef struct osm_subn_opt {
 	uint16_t console_port;
 	char *port_prof_ignore_file;
 	char *hop_weights_file;
+	char *dimn_ports_file;
 	boolean_t port_profile_switch_nodes;
 	boolean_t sweep_on_trap;
 	char *routing_engine_names;
diff --git a/opensm/include/opensm/osm_switch.h b/opensm/include/opensm/osm_switch.h
index cb6e5ac..1c6807e 100644
--- a/opensm/include/opensm/osm_switch.h
+++ b/opensm/include/opensm/osm_switch.h
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ typedef struct osm_switch {
 	uint16_t num_hops;
 	uint8_t **hops;
 	osm_port_profile_t *p_prof;
+	uint8_t *dimn_ports;
 	uint8_t *lft;
 	uint8_t *new_lft;
 	uint16_t lft_size;
@@ -871,6 +872,35 @@ static inline uint8_t osm_switch_get_mft_max_position(IN osm_switch_t * p_sw)
+/****f* OpenSM: Switch/osm_switch_get_dimn_port
+*	osm_switch_get_dimn_port
+*       Get the routing ordered port
+static inline uint8_t osm_switch_get_dimn_port(IN const osm_switch_t * p_sw,
+					       IN uint8_t port_num)
+	CL_ASSERT(p_sw);
+	if (p_sw->dimn_ports == NULL)
+		return port_num;
+	return p_sw->dimn_ports[port_num];
+*	p_sw
+*		[in] Pointer to the switch object.
+*	port_num
+*		[in] Port number in the switch
+*	Returns the port number ordered for routing purposes.
 /****f* OpenSM: Switch/osm_switch_recommend_path
 *	osm_switch_recommend_path
diff --git a/opensm/man/opensm.8.in b/opensm/man/opensm.8.in
index 7aca8f9..9053611 100644
--- a/opensm/man/opensm.8.in
+++ b/opensm/man/opensm.8.in
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ opensm \- InfiniBand subnet manager and administration (SM/SA)
 [\-console-port <port>]
 [\-i(gnore-guids) <equalize-ignore-guids-file>]
 [\-w | \-\-hop_weights_file <path to file>]
+[\-O | \-\-dimn_ports_file <path to file>]
 [\-f <log file path> | \-\-log_file <log file path> ]
 [\-L | \-\-log_limit <size in MB>] [\-e(rase_log_file)]
 [\-P(config) <partition config file> ]
@@ -273,6 +274,16 @@ factor of 1.  Lines starting with # are comments.  Weights affect only the
 output route from the port, so many useful configurations will require weights
 to be specified in pairs.
+\fB\-O\fR, \fB\-\-dimn_ports_file\fR <path to file>
+This option provides a mapping between hypercube dimensions and ports
+on a per switch basis for the DOR routing engine.  The file consists
+of lines containing a switch node GUID (specified as a 64 bit hex
+number, with leading 0x) followed by a list of non-zero port numbers,
+separated by spaces, one switch per line.  The order for the port
+numbers is in one to one correspondence to the dimensions.  Ports not
+listed on a line are assigned to the remaining dimensions, in port
+order.  Anything after a # is a comment.
 \fB\-x\fR, \fB\-\-honor_guid2lid\fR
 This option forces OpenSM to honor the guid2lid file,
 when it comes out of Standby state, if such file exists
@@ -969,17 +980,20 @@ algorithm and so uses shortest paths.  Instead of spreading traffic
 out across different paths with the same shortest distance, it chooses
 among the available shortest paths based on an ordering of dimensions.
 Each port must be consistently cabled to represent a hypercube
-dimension or a mesh dimension.  Paths are grown from a destination
-back to a source using the lowest dimension (port) of available paths
-at each step.  This provides the ordering necessary to avoid deadlock.
+dimension or a mesh dimension.  Alternatively, the -O option can be
+used to assign a custom mapping between the ports on a given switch,
+and the associated dimension.  Paths are grown from a destination back
+to a source using the lowest dimension (port) of available paths at
+each step.  This provides the ordering necessary to avoid deadlock.
 When there are multiple links between any two switches, they still
 represent only one dimension and traffic is balanced across them
 unless port equalization is turned off.  In the case of hypercubes,
 the same port must be used throughout the fabric to represent the
-hypercube dimension and match on both ends of the cable.  In the case
-of meshes, the dimension should consistently use the same pair of
-ports, one port on one end of the cable, and the other port on the
-other end, continuing along the mesh dimension.
+hypercube dimension and match on both ends of the cable, or the -O
+option used to accomplish the alignment.  In the case of meshes, the
+dimension should consistently use the same pair of ports, one port on
+one end of the cable, and the other port on the other end, continuing
+along the mesh dimension, or the -O option used as an override.
 Use '-R dor' option to activate the DOR algorithm.
@@ -1111,3 +1125,6 @@ Thomas Sodring
 Ira Weiny
 .RI < wei...@llnl.gov >
+Dale Purdy
+.RI < pu...@sgi.com >
diff --git a/opensm/opensm/main.c b/opensm/opensm/main.c
index f9a33af..0093aa7 100644
--- a/opensm/opensm/main.c
+++ b/opensm/opensm/main.c
@@ -275,6 +275,10 @@ static void show_usage(void)
 	       "          This option provides the means to define a weighting\n"
 	       "          factor per port for customizing the least weight\n"
 	       "          hops for the routing.\n\n");
+	printf("--dimn_ports_file, -O <path to file>\n"
+	       "          This option provides the means to define a mapping\n"
+	       "          between ports and dimension (Order) for controlling\n"
+	       "          Dimension Order Routing (DOR).\n\n");
 	printf("--honor_guid2lid, -x\n"
 	       "          This option forces OpenSM to honor the guid2lid file,\n"
 	       "          when it comes out of Standby state, if such file exists\n"
@@ -543,7 +547,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	char *conf_template = NULL, *config_file = NULL;
 	uint32_t val;
 	const char *const short_option =
-	    "F:c:i:w:f:ed:D:g:l:L:s:t:a:u:m:X:R:zM:U:S:P:Y:ANBIQvVhoryxp:n:q:k:C:G:H:";
+	    "F:c:i:w:O:f:ed:D:g:l:L:s:t:a:u:m:X:R:zM:U:S:P:Y:ANBIQvVhoryxp:n:q:k:C:G:H:";
 	   In the array below, the 2nd parameter specifies the number
@@ -560,6 +564,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 		{"guid", 1, NULL, 'g'},
 		{"ignore_guids", 1, NULL, 'i'},
 		{"hop_weights_file", 1, NULL, 'w'},
+		{"dimn_ports_file", 1, NULL, 'O'},
 		{"lmc", 1, NULL, 'l'},
 		{"sweep", 1, NULL, 's'},
 		{"timeout", 1, NULL, 't'},
@@ -696,6 +701,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+		case 'O':
+			opt.dimn_ports_file = optarg;
+			printf(" Dimension Ports File = %s\n",
+			       opt.dimn_ports_file);
+			break;
 		case 'g':
 			   Specifies port guid with which to bind.
diff --git a/opensm/opensm/osm_subnet.c b/opensm/opensm/osm_subnet.c
index e4126bc..e3f118b 100644
--- a/opensm/opensm/osm_subnet.c
+++ b/opensm/opensm/osm_subnet.c
@@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ static const opt_rec_t opt_tbl[] = {
 	{ "force_heavy_sweep", OPT_OFFSET(force_heavy_sweep), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 },
 	{ "port_prof_ignore_file", OPT_OFFSET(port_prof_ignore_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 },
 	{ "hop_weights_file", OPT_OFFSET(hop_weights_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 },
+	{ "dimn_ports_file", OPT_OFFSET(dimn_ports_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 },
 	{ "port_profile_switch_nodes", OPT_OFFSET(port_profile_switch_nodes), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 },
 	{ "sweep_on_trap", OPT_OFFSET(sweep_on_trap), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 },
 	{ "routing_engine", OPT_OFFSET(routing_engine_names), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 },
@@ -742,6 +743,7 @@ void osm_subn_set_default_opt(IN osm_subn_opt_t * p_opt)
 	p_opt->accum_log_file = TRUE;
 	p_opt->port_prof_ignore_file = NULL;
 	p_opt->hop_weights_file = NULL;
+	p_opt->dimn_ports_file = NULL;
 	p_opt->port_profile_switch_nodes = FALSE;
 	p_opt->sweep_on_trap = TRUE;
 	p_opt->use_ucast_cache = FALSE;
@@ -1385,6 +1387,11 @@ int osm_subn_output_conf(FILE *out, IN osm_subn_opt_t * p_opts)
 		p_opts->hop_weights_file ? p_opts->hop_weights_file : null_str);
+		"# The file holding non-default port order per switch for DOR routing \n"
+		"dimn_ports_file %s\n\n",
+		p_opts->dimn_ports_file ? p_opts->dimn_ports_file : null_str);
+	fprintf(out,
 		"# Routing engine\n"
 		"# Multiple routing engines can be specified separated by\n"
 		"# commas so that specific ordering of routing algorithms will\n"
diff --git a/opensm/opensm/osm_switch.c b/opensm/opensm/osm_switch.c
index 1cd8bfc..20fa098 100644
--- a/opensm/opensm/osm_switch.c
+++ b/opensm/opensm/osm_switch.c
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ void osm_switch_delete(IN OUT osm_switch_t ** pp_sw)
 	if (p_sw->p_prof)
+	if (p_sw->dimn_ports)
+		free(p_sw->dimn_ports);
 	if (p_sw->lft)
 	if (p_sw->new_lft)
@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ uint8_t osm_switch_recommend_path(IN const osm_switch_t * p_sw,
 	/* port number starts with one and num_ports is 1 + num phys ports */
 	for (i = start_from; i < start_from + num_ports; i++) {
-		port_num = i%num_ports;
+		port_num = osm_switch_get_dimn_port(p_sw, i%num_ports);
 		if (!port_num ||
 		    osm_switch_get_hop_count(p_sw, base_lid, port_num) !=
diff --git a/opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_mgr.c b/opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_mgr.c
index 7ec58b5..e94370f 100644
--- a/opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_mgr.c
+++ b/opensm/opensm/osm_ucast_mgr.c
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
 #include <iba/ib_types.h>
 #include <complib/cl_qmap.h>
 #include <complib/cl_debug.h>
@@ -488,6 +489,102 @@ static void set_default_hop_wf(cl_map_item_t * p_map_item, void *ctx)
+static int set_dimn_ports(void *ctx, uint64_t guid, char *p)
+	osm_subn_t *p_subn = ctx; 
+	osm_node_t *node = osm_get_node_by_guid(p_subn, cl_hton64(guid));
+	osm_switch_t *sw;
+	uint8_t *dimn_ports = NULL;
+	uint8_t port;
+	unsigned int *ports = NULL;
+	const int bpw = sizeof(*ports)*8;
+	int words;
+	int i = 1; /* port 0 maps to port 0 */
+	if (!node || !(sw = node->sw)) {
+		OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+			"switch with guid 0x%016" PRIx64 " is not found\n",
+			guid);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (sw->dimn_ports) {
+		OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+			"switch with guid 0x%016" PRIx64 " already listed\n",
+			guid);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	dimn_ports = malloc(sizeof(*dimn_ports)*sw->num_ports);
+	if (!dimn_ports) {
+		OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR,
+			"ERR 3A07: cannot allocate memory for dimn_ports\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset(dimn_ports, 0, sizeof(*dimn_ports)*sw->num_ports);
+	/* the ports array is for record keeping of which ports have
+	 * been seen */
+	words = (sw->num_ports + bpw - 1)/bpw;
+	ports = malloc(words*sizeof(*ports));
+	if (!ports) {
+		OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR,
+			"ERR 3A08: cannot allocate memory for ports\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset(ports, 0, words*sizeof(*ports));
+	while ((*p != '\0') && (*p != '#')) {
+		char *e;
+		port = strtoul(p, &e, 0);
+		if ((p == e) || (port == 0) || (port >= sw->num_ports) ||
+		    !osm_node_get_physp_ptr(node, port)) {
+			OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+				"bad port %d specified for guid 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n",
+				port, guid);
+			free(dimn_ports);
+			free(ports);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if (ports[port/bpw] & (1u << (port%bpw))) {
+			OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+				"port %d already specified for guid 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n",
+				port, guid);
+			free(dimn_ports);
+			free(ports);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		ports[port/bpw] |= (1u << (port%bpw));
+		dimn_ports[i++] = port;
+		p = e;
+		while (isspace(*p)) {
+			p++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (i > 1) {
+		for (port = 1; port < sw->num_ports; port++) {
+			/* fill out the rest of the dimn_ports array
+			 * in sequence using the remaining unspecified
+			 * ports.
+			 */
+			if (!(ports[port/bpw] & (1u << (port%bpw)))) {
+				dimn_ports[i++] = port;
+			}
+		}
+		sw->dimn_ports = dimn_ports;
+	} else {
+		free(dimn_ports);
+	}
+	free(ports);
+	return 0;
 int osm_ucast_mgr_build_lid_matrices(IN osm_ucast_mgr_t * p_mgr)
 	uint32_t i;
@@ -579,7 +676,7 @@ static int ucast_mgr_setup_all_switches(osm_subn_t * p_subn)
 	for (p_sw = (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_subn->sw_guid_tbl);
 	     p_sw != (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_subn->sw_guid_tbl);
-	     p_sw = (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_sw->map_item))
+	     p_sw = (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_sw->map_item)) {
 		if (osm_switch_prepare_path_rebuild(p_sw, lids)) {
 			OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 3A0B: "
 				"cannot setup switch 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n",
@@ -587,6 +684,23 @@ static int ucast_mgr_setup_all_switches(osm_subn_t * p_subn)
 			return -1;
+		if (p_sw->dimn_ports) {
+			free(p_sw->dimn_ports);
+			p_sw->dimn_ports = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	if (p_subn->opt.dimn_ports_file) {
+		OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
+			"Fetching dimension ports file \'%s\'\n",
+			p_subn->opt.dimn_ports_file);
+		if (parse_node_map(p_subn->opt.dimn_ports_file,
+				   set_dimn_ports, p_subn)) {
+			OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 3A05: "
+				"cannot parse dimn_ports_file \'%s\'\n",
+				p_subn->opt.dimn_ports_file);
+		}
+	}
 	return 0;

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