On Jul 09, 2010 07:13 PM, "Hefty, Sean" <sean.he...@intel.com> wrote:

> > Is librdmacm version 1.0.12 stable?
> Yes - but you are using APIs that are new to this release. But those
> calls are wrappers around existing libibverbs calls.
> > The flag IBV_SEND_INLINE supports buffer size until 64 bytes (cards'
> > feature).
> > 
> > I know that RDMA is a protocol connected with 10 Gigabit/s Ethernet.
> > How can I see this trasfer speed? Can you suggest the "path"?
> > I attached the starting latency_RDMA.cpp code, which works with
> > librdmacm version 1.0.12 with BUF_SIZE < = 64 bytes (thanks to
> > Chien).
> > I would like to explore transfer speed in range 1 bytes < BUF_SIZE <
> > 4
> > Mbytes.
> The use of INLINE allows you to post a send message without the buffer
> being registered. As soon as you try to post a send with a buffer
> larger than what can be supported as inline, the buffer must be
> registered, and the memory region should be passed into the send
> command. Add something like this to both the client and server:
> struct ibv_mr *send_mr;
> ...
> send_mr = rdma_reg_msgs(id, send_msg, BUF_SIZE);
> // add matching rdma_dereg_mr(send_mr); at end
> and change your rdma_post_send calls to:
> ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, send_mr,
> - Sean

Hi Sean, Hi Chien

the code now works fine. Thank you very much, Sean.
In attachment you find:
-- code and script client;
-- txt file with data recap;
-- xls file with graph.

Note that in txt file the round trip time is wrongly called "latency".
So in the xls file I correct the formula. I measure the trip time.
latency = RTT/2;
speed in txt file is reduced by 2.

In xls file I put also the speed in Gbits/s.

In this week I will recap code, test data and information about RDMA
test on NE020 cards.

Thank you again for contribution.

Andrea Gozzelino

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro  (LNL)
Viale dell'Universita' 2 -I-35020 - Legnaro (PD)- ITALIA
Office: E-101
Tel: +39 049 8068346
Fax: +39 049 641925
Mail: andrea.gozzel...@lnl.infn.it
Cell: +39 3488245552                            
#! /bin/sh

# Program: Script bash to run REDIGO (RDMA) performance test
# Authors: Damiano Bortolato - Andrea Gozzelino (INFN - LNL)
# Date: July 2010

# Array buffer size

# Bandwidth test -- Latency measurement too
array_BUFFER_SIZE=( 1 4 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 8192 65536 131072 200704 
262144 393216 524288 1048576 16777216 )

# default number of transfer is 10^6

# Constant that sets date formatting for appending to filenames
# Date format is DDMMYYhhmmss or day,month,year,hour,minute,second.
Date=`date "+%d%m%y%H%M%S"`
for i in "${array_buffer_si...@]}"
        ./RDMA_Speed -b $i -n 1000000 > Test_$i.log
        mv Test_Speed.txt Test_Speed_$i.txt

# Ending operations     
mkdir REDIGO_Speed_"$Date"
mv *.txt ./REDIGO_Speed_"$Date"
mv *.log ./REDIGO_Speed_"$Date"
cd REDIGO_Speed_"$Date"
cat *.txt > REDIGO_Data.txt
cat *.log > REDIGO_Log.log
cd ..

  1000000|              1024|           31|   3.30323e+07|   3.1e-05|
  1000000|           1048576|         2014|   5.20643e+08|  0.002014|
  1000000|               128|           27|   4.74074e+06|   2.7e-05|
  1000000|            131072|          253|   5.18071e+08|  0.000253|
  1000000|                16|           23|        695652|   2.3e-05|
  1000000|                 1|           22|       45454.5|   2.2e-05|
  1000000|            200704|          409|   4.90719e+08|  0.000409|
  1000000|               256|           27|   9.48148e+06|   2.7e-05|
  1000000|            262144|          563|    4.6562e+08|  0.000563|
  1000000|                32|           23|    1.3913e+06|   2.3e-05|
  1000000|            393216|          701|   5.60936e+08|  0.000701|
  1000000|                 4|           23|        173913|   2.3e-05|
  1000000|               512|           28|   1.82857e+07|   2.8e-05|
  1000000|            524288|          927|   5.65575e+08|  0.000927|
  1000000|                64|           23|   2.78261e+06|   2.3e-05|
  1000000|             65536|          140|   4.68114e+08|   0.00014|
  1000000|              8192|           46|   1.78087e+08|   4.6e-05|
Program: RDMA latency test with buffer size < 64 bytes
Program: RDMA bandwidth test
Use: REDIGO project --> RDMA performance test
Authors: Damiano Bortolato - Andrea Gozzelino (INFN - LNL)
Structure: INFN LNL @ Legnaro (Italy)
Date: July 2010
Note: using librdmacm version 1.0.12 by Sean Hefty 
Note: help from Chien Tin Tung (Intel) and Sean Hefty (Intel)

#include <rdma/rdma_cma.h>
#include <rdma/rdma_verbs.h>
#include <infiniband/arch.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <iomanip> // format manipulation
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// header file
#include "header_RDMA.h"

//********************** RDMA SERVER *******************

int asServer(TestMessage &TM){
        printf("\nRDMA server machine redigo-01 is starting. \n");
        // Information from TCP socket
        int BUF_SIZE = TM.data.message.tbuffer_size;
        printf("BUF_SIZE = %i \n", BUF_SIZE);
        int NTX=TM.data.message.loops;
        printf("NTX = %i \n", NTX);
        // Variables
        static char *port = "7471";
        static char *server = "";
        struct rdma_cm_id *listen_id, *id;
        struct ibv_mr *mr;
        struct ibv_mr  *send_mr; 
        char *send_msg=new char[BUF_SIZE];
        char *recv_msg=new char[BUF_SIZE];
        struct rdma_addrinfo hints, *res;
        struct ibv_qp_init_attr attr;
        struct ibv_wc wc;
        int ret;// function return value
        int i; // loop counter

        // RDMA_getaddrinfo 
        memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
        hints.ai_flags = RAI_PASSIVE;
        hints.ai_port_space = RDMA_PS_TCP;
        ret = rdma_getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &res);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_getaddrinfo %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK rdma_getaddrinfo function. \n");
        // RDMA_create_ep
        memset(&attr, 0, sizeof attr);
        attr.cap.max_send_wr = attr.cap.max_recv_wr = 128;
        attr.cap.max_send_sge = attr.cap.max_recv_sge = 1;
        attr.cap.max_inline_data = BUF_SIZE;
        attr.sq_sig_all = 1;
        ret = rdma_create_ep(&listen_id, res, NULL, &attr);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_create_ep %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK rdma_create_ep funtion. \n");

        // RDMA_listen
        ret = rdma_listen(listen_id, 0);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_listen %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK rdma_listen function. \n");

        // RDMA_get_request
        ret = rdma_get_request(listen_id, &id);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_get_request %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK rdma_get_request function \n");

        // RDMA_reg_msgs
        mr = rdma_reg_msgs(id, recv_msg, BUF_SIZE);
        if (!mr) {
                printf("Recv rdma_reg_msgs %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK recv rdma_reg_msgs function. \n");

        send_mr = rdma_reg_msgs(id, send_msg, BUF_SIZE); 
        if (!send_mr) {
                printf("Send rdma_reg_msgs %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK send rdma_reg_msgs function. \n");

        // Pre post receive: RDMA_post_recv
        ret = rdma_post_recv(id, NULL, recv_msg, BUF_SIZE, mr);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_post_recv %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK PRE POST rdma_post_recv. \n");

        // Pre post send: RDMA_post_send
        ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, send_mr, 
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_post_send %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK PRE POST rdma_post_send. \n");

        // RDMA_accept on server side
        ret = rdma_accept(id, NULL);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_connect %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK rdma_connect: server accepts connection. \n");

        //--------- SERVER RDMA: data movement --------------------
        // Loop 
        for (i=0; i < NTX; i++){
                // ********** Server is receiving ***************
                // RDMA_post_recv
                ret = rdma_post_recv(id, NULL, recv_msg, BUF_SIZE, mr);
                if (ret) {
                        printf("rdma_post_recv %d\n", errno);
                        return ret;
                //else printf("OK rdma_post_recv. \n");
                // RDMA_get_recv_comp
                ret = rdma_get_recv_comp(id, &wc);
                if (ret <= 0) {
                        printf("rdma_get_recv_comp %d\n", ret);
                        return ret;
                while (!ibv_poll_cq(id->recv_cq, 1, &wc))
                //else printf("OK rdma_get_recv_comp %d\n", ret);

                // ************ Server is sending ****************
                // RDMA_post_send
                //ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, NULL, 
IBV_SEND_INLINE);//latency code
                ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, send_mr, 
                //ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, 
                if (ret) {
                        printf("rdma_post_send %d\n", errno);
                        return ret;
                //else printf("OK rdma_post_send \n");

                // RDMA_get_send_comp
                ret = rdma_get_send_comp(id, &wc);
                if (ret <= 0) {
                        printf("rdma_get_send_comp %d\n", ret);
                        return ret;
                while (!ibv_poll_cq(id->send_cq, 1, &wc))
                //else printf("OK rdma_get_send_comp %d\n", ret);

        }// end loop
        printf("Loop number = %i \n", i);
        printf("RDMA server closes. \n \n");
}// end asServer

//********************** CLIENT RDMA *******************

int asClient(TestMessage &TM){
        printf("\nRDMA client machine redigo-02 is starting. \n");
        // Information from TCP socket
        int BUF_SIZE=TM.data.message.tbuffer_size;
        printf("BUF_SIZE = %i \n", BUF_SIZE);
        int NTX=TM.data.message.loops;
        printf("NTX = %i \n", NTX);
        // Variables
        static char *port = "7471";
        static char *server = "";
        struct rdma_cm_id *listen_id, *id;
        struct ibv_mr *mr;
        struct ibv_mr  *send_mr; 
        char *send_msg=new char[BUF_SIZE];
        char *recv_msg=new char[BUF_SIZE];
        struct rdma_addrinfo hints, *res;
        struct ibv_qp_init_attr attr;
        struct ibv_wc wc;
        int ret; // function return value
        int i; // counter
        time_t start,end;// clock values
        double dif;// delta time
        // RDMA_getaddrinfo 
        memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
        hints.ai_port_space = RDMA_PS_TCP;
        ret = rdma_getaddrinfo(server, port, &hints, &res);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_getaddrinfo %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK rdma_getaddrinfo function. \n");
        // RDMA_create_ep
        memset(&attr, 0, sizeof attr);
        attr.cap.max_send_wr = attr.cap.max_recv_wr = 128;
        attr.cap.max_send_sge = attr.cap.max_recv_sge = 1;
        attr.cap.max_inline_data = BUF_SIZE;
        attr.qp_context = id;
        attr.sq_sig_all = 1;
        ret = rdma_create_ep(&id, res, NULL, &attr);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_create_ep %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK rdma_create_ep funtion. \n");

        // RDMA_reg_msgs 
        mr = rdma_reg_msgs(id, recv_msg, BUF_SIZE);
        if (!mr) {
                printf("recv rdma_reg_msgs %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK recv rdma_reg_msgs function. \n");

        send_mr = rdma_reg_msgs(id, send_msg, BUF_SIZE); 
        if (!send_mr) {
                printf("send rdma_reg_msgs %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK send rdma_reg_msgs function. \n");

        // Pre post receive: RDMA_post_recv
        ret = rdma_post_recv(id, NULL, recv_msg, BUF_SIZE, mr);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_post_recv %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK PRE POST rdma_post_recv. \n");

        // Pre post send: RDMA_post_send
        ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, send_mr, 
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_post_send %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK PRE POST rdma_post_send. \n");

        // RDMA_connect on client side
        ret = rdma_connect(id, NULL);
        if (ret) {
                printf("rdma_connect %d\n", errno);
                return ret;
        else printf("OK rdma_connect: client is connected. \n");
        //--------- Clock starts -------------------------------------
        //--------- CLIENT RDMA: data movement --------------------
        // Loop
        for(i = 0; i < NTX; i++){
                // RDMA_post_recv
                ret = rdma_post_recv(id, NULL, recv_msg, BUF_SIZE, mr);
                if (ret) {
                        printf("rdma_post_recv %d\n", errno);
                        return ret;
                //*************** Client is sending ***************************
                // RDMA_post_send
                //ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, NULL, 
IBV_SEND_INLINE);// latency code
                ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, send_mr, 
                //ret = rdma_post_send(id, NULL, send_msg, BUF_SIZE, send_mr,0);
                if (ret) {
                        printf("rdma_post_send %d\n", errno);
                        return ret;
                //else printf("OK rdma_post_send \n");

                // RDMA_get_send_comp
                ret = rdma_get_send_comp(id, &wc);
                if (ret <= 0) {
                        printf("rdma_get_send_comp %d\n", ret);
                        return ret;
                while (!ibv_poll_cq(id->send_cq, 1, &wc))
                //else printf("OK rdma_get_send_comp %d\n", ret);
                //********************** Client is receiving *******************
                //else printf("OK rdma_post_recv \n");
                // RDMA_get_recv_comp
                ret = rdma_get_recv_comp(id, &wc);
                if (ret <= 0) {
                        printf("rdma_get_recv_comp %d\n", ret);
                        return ret;
                while (!ibv_poll_cq(id->recv_cq, 1, &wc))
                //else printf("OK rdma_get_recv_comp \n");
        }//end loop
        //--------- Clock stops -------------------------------------
        printf("Loop number = %i\n", i);
        printf("RDMA client closes. \n \n");

        //------- Output txt file with data --------------------------------
        ofstream OutFile("Test_Speed.txt");
        // Open outfile test
        if (! OutFile){
                cout << "Error opening output txt file." << endl;
                return -1;
        // Calculation and other variables
        dif = difftime(end,start); //delta time
        long double NTXld = (long double) NTX;
        long double BUF_SIZEld = (long double) BUF_SIZE;
        long double dif_ld = (long double) dif;
        long double speed = 2*(NTXld*BUF_SIZEld)/(dif_ld);
        long double latency = dif_ld/(2*NTXld);

        // Use setw(), setprecision(), scientific options if it is necessary
        cout.setf(ios::left);       // set option 'left justify output'

        // Outfile format
        OutFile << 
"#transfer|buffer_size(bytes)|total_time(s)|speed(bytes/s)|latency(s)| \n";
        OutFile << setw(9) << NTX << "|";
        OutFile << setw(18) << BUF_SIZE << "|";
        OutFile << setw(13) << dif << "|";
        OutFile << setw(14) << speed << "|";
        OutFile << setw(10) << latency << "|";
        OutFile << endl;
}// end asClient

//************* (fake) Main program *********************
// It does not work!
int main(int narg, char **argv) {
  if (narg > 1)
    return asServer();
    return asClient();

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