
I'm having a problem with SRP automatic target discovery. I am using srp_daemon with OFED 1.5.2 on the initiator. My one target machine with several LUNs also uses OFED 1.5.2, and I am using scst and srpt 2.0.0 on top of that.

On the initiator, I have SRP_LOAD=yes and SRP_DAEMON_ENABLE=yes. This seems to work fine, and after rebooting, I can see the SRP targets on the initiator, and srp_daemon running in the background:

[root@hpcoss2 ~]# ps auxww | grep srp
root 6635 0.0 0.0 63840 1176 ? S 12:04 0:00 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/srp_daemon.sh root 6638 0.0 0.0 63836 1164 ? S 12:04 0:00 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/run_srp_daemon -e -c -n -i mlx4_1 -p 1 -R 60 -V root 6647 0.0 0.0 31012 996 ? SLl 12:04 0:00 srp_daemon -e -c -n -i mlx4_1 -p 1 -R 60 -V

But if I add an additional target on the same target machine with, say:

[root@hpcoss1 ~]# echo "add 7:0:1:0 3" >/proc/scsi_tgt/groups/Default/devices

the srp_daemon on the initiator never sees the new storage and restarting srp_daemon doesn't seem to help.

If I remove the SRP scsi devices, unload the ib_srp module, and reload it, I can see the new LUN (and I don't need to restart srp_daemon, either). But I don't think that is how it is supposed to work.

Am I doing something wrong?

Craig Prescott
UF HPC Center

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