On Tuesday 02 August 2011 08:38, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> The hope is once the infrastructure is in libibverbs there will not
> be as much need to change libibverbs, just the apps and the drivers.
If I understand correctly, the various additions which would normally be made 
to libibverbs
would then be made by third-party libraries which extend libibverbs to support 
their additions.

These additions would include the new ibv_cmd_xxx functions
(the core functions reside in src/cmd.c), and new, additional, enum values of
the form IBV_USER_VERBS_CMD_XXXX, of which the core enum is in file

The modified apps would then include the header files of the 3rd party additions
after the libibverbs headers when compiling.

Each new third-party package would need such a library.
While this will lead to a multiplicity of new libraries (one per addition),
the core libibverbs package would remain as is.

Am I correct?  If so, shouldn't the current XRC userspace implementation do the 
same (and
take the XRC-specific additions out of libibverbs and put them into a separate 

Note that coordination between third parties would still be required to insure 
that there is
no collision of enum values between the various packages.

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