---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gandalf Corvotempesta <gandalf.corvotempe...@gmail.com>
Date: 2013/8/29
Subject: Re: Slow performance with librspreload.so
To: "Hefty, Sean" <sean.he...@intel.com>

2013/8/28 Hefty, Sean <sean.he...@intel.com>:
> If you can provide your PCIe information and the results from running the 
> perftest tools (rdma_bw), that could help as well.

node1 ( is ip configured on ib0):

$ sudo ./rstream -s
name      bytes   xfers   iters   total       time     Gb/sec    usec/xfer
64_lat    64      1       100k    12m         0.26s      0.40       1.28
4k_lat    4k      1       10k     78m         0.17s      3.96       8.28
64k_lat   64k     1       1k      125m        0.11s      9.86      53.19
1m_lat    1m      1       100     200m        0.14s     12.34     679.73
64_bw     64      100k    1       12m         0.06s      1.75       0.29
4k_bw     4k      10k     1       78m         0.06s     11.79       2.78
64k_bw    64k     1k      1       125m        0.09s     12.20      42.97
1m_bw     1m      100     1       200m        0.13s     12.78     656.55

$ lspci | grep -i infiniband
04:00.0 InfiniBand: Mellanox Technologies MT25418 [ConnectX VPI PCIe
2.0 2.5GT/s - IB DDR / 10GigE] (rev a0)

node2 ( is ip configured on ib0):
$ sudo ./rstream -s
name      bytes   xfers   iters   total       time     Gb/sec    usec/xfer
64_lat    64      1       100k    12m         1.10s      0.09       5.49
4k_lat    4k      1       10k     78m         0.43s      1.53      21.49
64k_lat   64k     1       1k      125m        0.29s      3.64     143.99
1m_lat    1m      1       100     200m        0.37s      4.53    1852.70
64_bw     64      100k    1       12m         0.42s      0.24       2.12
4k_bw     4k      10k     1       78m         0.16s      4.16       7.87
64k_bw    64k     1k      1       125m        0.23s      4.49     116.69
1m_bw     1m      100     1       200m        0.36s      4.63    1813.52

$ lspci | grep -i infiniband
02:00.0 InfiniBand: Mellanox Technologies MT25208 InfiniHost III Ex
(Tavor compatibility mode) (rev 20)
(this is a Voltaire 400Ex-D card)

Same result by using on both hosts, obviously.

I'm unable to run rdma_bw due to different CPU speed any my versions
doesn't have the ignore flag.
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