On Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:42:18 PM UTC+1, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Jason <jason....@gmail.com <javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Luc, I deliberately ignored your earlier sarcasm. If you don't want to 
>> help then that's fine no one's forcing you to. But your incessant (and 
>> utterly pointless) RTFM style responses to every question are now becoming 
>> irritating.
>> Your request that others respect proper 'netiquette' would carry more 
>> weight if you practiced what you preach.
>> I've already read the unnecessarily aggressive (and slightly obnoxious) 
>> message on the 'New Device Howto' page which basically says you won't 
>> provide any help until someone's worked through the guide. I get it. You 
>> don't need to repeat it.
>> The problem with the NDH (as you insist on calling it) is that, in many 
>> places, it's vague and/or incomplete. More importantly, it assumes that the 
>> reader already possesses a vast amount of hightly specialised knowledge. 
>> The hoops you expect someone to jump through before you'll deign to help 
>> them are frankly ridiculous. You're basically saying that you expect 
>> someone to spend many days working everything out from first principles, 
>> and finally get to the point where they don't really need any help, before 
>> you'll help them!
>> What's even more ridiculous is that I'm trying to work through the damn 
>> NDH! But I can't submit my u-boot patches (or presumably anything else) 
>> until I create a 'complete' (whatever that means) device page, and I can't 
>> complete a device page until I know more about my device! Hence my 
>> questions.
>> I think this is a concise description of the problem we are seeing again 
> and again at linux-sunxi.
> Just the other week there was another person that attempted to add their 
> device 
> and simply gave up due to Luc being passive aggressive and obnoxious.
> It is probably the case that he had to endure himself such a treatment 
> when he was learning,
> and now he is replicating it to others. It's toxic behavior, and that's 
> not how a community works.
> The deeper issue is that lack of empathy, the ability to feel/think how 
> someone different is feeling/thinking.
> Luc's actions do not represent the actions of the linux-sunxi community.
> Simos

Simos, thanks for your words of support.

I can assure you that I don't judge this entire community by the behaviour 
of one individual. Several people here (including yourself) have made a 
genuine attempt to help me and for that I'm grateful.

What I'm irritated by is the constant insinuation by Luc and a few of his 
cheerleader friends that anyone who doesn't have their level of expertise, 
a fully setup development environment, and a huge amount of spare time to 
devote to this hobby are either lazy, stupid, unable to read, parasitic, 

But the real problem with this community isn't the gratuituous insults 
(which after all can be ignored), it's the fact that Luc appears to be the 
sole gatekeeper of both the Wiki and the Git repository. If he was the kind 
of person who sought to reach a consensus, and ran those resources in a 
democratic way for the benefit of everyone then that wouldn't matter. 
Unfortunately however, he uses (or perhaps more accurately abuses) those 
resources to promote his own agendas, and as a means to exert control over 
what he clearly sees as his own personal fiefdom.

I find it ironic that he accuses you of playing political games when he's 
so obviously a political animal himself.


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