
I'm still playing with my Klipad HC-913 tablet 
(http://linux-sunxi.org/index.php?title=MID-KLIPAD_HC-913) but I'm failing to 
use the touchpad.

I'm using the FEX I took from Android which saying ft5x_ts is used.

The module is correctly loaded :

$ lsmod 
Module                  Size  Used by
ft5x_ts                40564  0
cdc_ether               5104  0
usbnet                 16861  1 cdc_ether

and in dmesg :

[    6.787934] ===========================ft5x_ts_init=====================
[    6.787957] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para. 
[    6.787981] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: after: ctp_twi_addr is 0x3f, dirty_addr
_buf: 0x3f. dirty_addr_buf[1]: 0xfffe 
[    6.787994] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: ctp_twi_id is 1. 
[    6.788002] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: screen_max_x = 800. 
[    6.788011] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: screen_max_y = 480. 
[    6.788023] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: revert_x_flag = 0. 
[    6.788032] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: revert_y_flag = 0. 
[    6.788040] ctp_fetch_sysconfig_para: exchange_x_y_flag = 0. 
[    6.788049] ft5x_ts_init: after fetch_sysconfig_para:  normal_i2c: 0x3f. norm
al_i2c[1]: 0xfffe 
[    6.788075] ctp_init_platform_resource: tp_reset request gpio fail!
[    6.788084] ctp_init_platform_resource: No power port feature present.
[    6.788094] ctp_wakeup. 
[    6.829440] ctp_detect: Detected chip ft5x_ts at adapter 1, address 0x3f
[    6.832848] ====ft5x_ts_probe begin=====.  
[    6.835739] input: ft5x_ts as /devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.1/i2c-1/1-003f/inpu
[    6.836488] ctp_set_irq_mode: config gpio to int mode. 
[    6.836519] ctp_set_irq_mode, 225: gpio_int_info, port = 7, port_num = 11. 
[    6.836526]  INTERRUPT CONFIG
[    6.837899] ==ft5x_ts_probe over =

and it is associated to /dev/input/mouse0 and /dev/input/event1

    $ cat /dev/input/event1
doesn't display anything when I touch the screen.

As per my readings, I need to patch the source code. 

So what I have to do ?
- remove IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING from ft5x_ts.c line 1765 ?
- what about the "multi-touch" ?
- anything else to do ?



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