[I am normally an XEmacs user, not a GNU Emacs user.]

For some reason, X Selections (PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD) do no work
correctly in Emacs. I can select text, copy it and paste it *within
Emacs* (using either the middle mouse button or the keyboard). I can
also copy and paste text using the middle mouse button (PRIMARY) *from*
an external program *to* Emacs. However,
      * I cannot paste from an external program to Emacs using the
        keyboard (CLIPBOARD),
      * I cannot paste from Emacs to another program using the mouse
        (PRIMARY), and
      * I cannot paste from Emacs to another program using the keyboard
After a Google, I turned on "mouse-sel-mode", but this does not cure my
problems. Does anyone have a solution to my problem? Suggesting a
different editor — such as vi — is not a solution ☺

Michael JasonSmith        http://ldots.org/

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