On Sun, 2010-03-28 at 19:15 +1300, Roy Britten wrote:

> I have a largish (~12000 pixels square) image that I want to print at
> a defined scale across multiple sheets. I'm comfortable using Image
> Magick to split the image into appropriately-sized chunks, but am at a
> bit of a loss when it comes to forcing 300dpi at printing time.
> It would be wonderful if someone has already produced a tool that
> takes an image and paginates it into, say, PDFs at a defined
> resolution. My google-fu has failed to find such a tool. Suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Roy.

In ImageMagick, the command-line parameter to set the image resolution
is 'density'; this inserts the desired image resolution (in dots per
inch or whatever) into the file -- provided that the file supports the
idea of image resolution in dpi. JPEG files do.

The program 'poster' takes a PS file and splits it up into bits. I use
it for printing a PCB component overlay at up to 8x full size to make it
easier to identify those tiny surface mount resistor.

      * pdftops file.pdf file.ps
      * poster -v -i410x220+10,95mm -ma3 -c2% -s2 -o file-2x.ps
      * ps2pdf file-2x.ps file-2x.pdf

Note that this starts from a PDF file, so you should use another filter
to convert your input to a PS file.

These command line option mean:

      * -i: the size of the bounding box of the input image. I wanted to
        enlarge only a portion of the image
      * -m: the size of the output media
      * -c: the amount of overlap (cut size)
      * -s: linear scaling size
      * -o: output file name

Stephen Irons

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