On 26/11/06, Ward Vandewege <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On top of that, think DRM. Say LinuxBIOS becomes really successful, and we
> basically kill EFI (and therefore, DRM in the bios). The next thing they'll
> try is putting it in video cards, audio cards, hard drives etc. In fact, they
> tried that 5 or 6 years ago - remember the whole CPRM fiasco?
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/01/10/everything_you_ever_wanted/

Isn't this what EFI already does though, by shifting drivers into
firmware thats located inside hardware?

I'd love to read more about how LinuxBIOS compared to EFI in this way
- is there any recommended reading? :-)


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