On Wednesday, May 10, 2006 08:52, Jason M. Reynolds wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Jeanne Fránçaix became the grown-up version of Dana Sterling 
> (Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius), daughter of Max Sterling 
> (Maximilian Jenius) and Milia (Miriya Parino).  Bowie 
> Emerson, son of Rolf Emerson, became the son of Bowie Grant, 
> the son of Claudia Grant (Claudia LaSalle) and the late Roy 
> Fokker.  This is just about all that connect the Macross 
> segment with the Southern Cross segment, casting it as the 
> 2nd Generation of Robotech.  Mospeada, of course, would 
> subsequently be cast as the New Generation...
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> You are confused about Bowie.  In Robotech there is no Bowie 
> Emerson.  His dad was Claudia's brother who went off on the 
> Sentinel mission.  IIRC Rolf was acting as sort of a foster 
> parent while Bowie's real parents were off to Tirol.  It 
> would be impossible for Bowie to be Claudia's grandson and be 
> the same age as Max and Miriya's daughter.

I thought I'd at least made it clear that Bowie Emerson (Southern Cross) became
Bowie Grant (Robotech Masters), but I'll allow as how I only assumed he was
direct descendent of Claudia and presumed from that he must also be descended
from Roy Fokker.

In any case, I neglected to mention that, since Claudia (and whatever other kin
Bowie may have had) had supposedly left with the Robotech Expeditionary Force,
Bowie had become the ward of Rolf Emerson, thus establishing an echo of their
actual relationship in SC.

It should be apparent that, although Robotech Masters was what first drew me in
and got me interested in Robotech back when, I soon became so enamored of the
original Southern Cross that I've forgotten most of what I once knew of the
English adaptation.

Ditto Macross and Mospeada.

And, for what it may be worth, I came to love Orguss, the third Super
Dimensional series, even more, although Southern Cross is a very close second.

Maybe it's just the Haruhiko Mikimoto character designs.

Or maybe it's that, just as Giant Gorg is an homage to King Kong, Orguss is
essentially an homage to Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky...


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