On Dec 9, 2013 6:37 PM, "Adam Hunt" <voxa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What parts of pfSense are so arch dependent. One would expect being based
on FreeBSD would make it quite portable.
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Jim Thompson <j...@netgate.com> wrote:
>> it would be a lot of work.
>> There was some work done back in history on a MIPS port.  It never
>> actually finished.
>> There is very little interest in a SPARC port, though, as Adam
>> allowed, nobody would really mind, other than the consequences of what
>> to call it, and how to explain the support model for it, etc.
>> Jim
>> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Adam Hunt <voxa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > pfSense only supports x86 and amd64 architectures. Though, I suppose
if you
>> > wanted to port it to SPARC nobody would mind.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:55 AM, Jim Thompson <j...@netgate.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Unlikely.
>> >>
>> >> -- Jim
>> >>
>> >> > On Dec 9, 2013, at 4:07, Denny Fuchs <linuxm...@4lin.net> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > hi,
>> >> >
>> >> > I want to use old two of Sun Fire SPARC v215 for pfsense. FreeBSD
>> >> > runs without any problems, so the only question is, if it does make
sense to
>> >> > compile pfsense on that hosts.
>> >> >
>> >> > Ram: 12GB
>> >> >
>> >> > # cat /proc/cpuinfo
>> >> > cpu        : TI UltraSparc IIIi (Jalapeno)
>> >> > fpu        : UltraSparc IIIi integrated FPU
>> >> > pmu        : ultra3i
>> >> > prom        : OBP 4.22.33 2007/06/18 12:47
>> >> > type        : sun4u
>> >> > ncpus probed    : 2
>> >> > ncpus active    : 2
>> >> > D$ parity tl1    : 0
>> >> > I$ parity tl1    : 0
>> >> > cpucaps        :
>> >> > flush,stbar,swap,muldiv,v9,ultra3,mul32,div32,v8plus,vis,vis2
>> >> > Cpu0ClkTck    : 0000000059a53800
>> >> > Cpu1ClkTck    : 0000000059a53800
>> >> > MMU Type    : Cheetah+
>> >> > State:
>> >> > CPU0:        online
>> >> > CPU1:        online
>> >> >
>> >> > cu denny
>> >> >
>> >> >


As I found when I tried to do a custom build for Nokia IP380 (a Pentium
III, so it is x86, but it requires removing USB support from the kernel in
order to boot successfully for some reason) and a custom build with Hyper-V
kernel extensions, there are really three problems.

1. Build System. As Jim said, you need to get the build system working
properly. I would have thought this would be fairly easy in my case, given
that I was making pretty much a single kernel change to each build, but it
turned out to be much more difficult.

2. Updates. Even once you have a working build system, you need to take
every released pfSense update and rebuild it for yourself.  You could
likely automate that on your build system, but there's no guarantee that
you will be able to build future updates without needing to tweak anything
and/or assist the build system itself.

3. Packages. You may have to copy the package server and hottest your own
version for any packages that you care about.

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