Author: Saleem Abdulrasool
Date: 2020-12-08T21:15:41Z
New Revision: 939c8f676c871682dba8bab25ee4c0c08faf98e1


LOG: Bitcode: add some convenience helpers for streaming bitcode

This adds a set of metaprogramming helpers to help define records and
serialize them out.  This is motivated by API Notes which use the
bitcode format to serialize out a binary representation of the data.
These helpers are generically useful though and could help simplify some
of the existing bitcode consumers as well.

This is extracted from the code contributed by Apple at

Differential Revision:




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeConvenience.h 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0060d014ba82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeConvenience.h
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+//===- llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeConvenience.h - Convenience Wrappers -*- C++ 
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM 
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file Convenience wrappers for the LLVM bitcode format and bitstream APIs.
+/// This allows you to use a sort of DSL to declare and use bitcode
+/// abbreviations and records. Example:
+/// \code
+///     using Metadata = BCRecordLayout<
+///       METADATA_ID,  // ID
+///       BCFixed<16>,  // Module format major version
+///       BCFixed<16>,  // Module format minor version
+///       BCBlob        // misc. version information
+///     >;
+///     Metadata metadata(Out);
+///     metadata.emit(ScratchRecord, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, Data);
+/// \endcode
+/// For details on the bitcode format, see
+#include "llvm/Bitstream/BitCodes.h"
+#include "llvm/Bitstream/BitstreamWriter.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+namespace llvm {
+namespace detail {
+/// Convenience base for all kinds of bitcode abbreviation fields.
+/// This just defines common properties queried by the metaprogramming.
+template <bool Compound = false> class BCField {
+  static const bool IsCompound = Compound;
+  /// Asserts that the given data is a valid value for this field.
+  template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {}
+  /// Converts a raw numeric representation of this value to its preferred
+  /// type.
+  template <typename T> static T convert(T rawValue) { return rawValue; }
+} // namespace detail
+/// Represents a literal operand in a bitcode record.
+/// The value of a literal operand is the same for all instances of the record,
+/// so it is only emitted in the abbreviation definition.
+/// Note that because this uses a compile-time template, you cannot have a
+/// literal operand that is fixed at run-time without dropping down to the
+/// raw LLVM APIs.
+template <uint64_t Value> class BCLiteral : public detail::BCField<> {
+  static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
+    abbrev.Add(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp(Value));
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {
+    assert(data == Value && "data value does not match declared literal 
+  }
+/// Represents a fixed-width value in a bitcode record.
+/// Note that the LLVM bitcode format only supports unsigned values.
+template <unsigned Width> class BCFixed : public detail::BCField<> {
+  static_assert(Width <= 64, "fixed-width field is too large");
+  static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
+    abbrev.Add(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, Width));
+  }
+  static void assertValid(const bool &data) {
+    assert(llvm::isUInt<Width>(data) &&
+           "data value does not fit in the given bit width");
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {
+    assert(data >= 0 && "cannot encode signed integers");
+    assert(llvm::isUInt<Width>(data) &&
+           "data value does not fit in the given bit width");
+  }
+/// Represents a variable-width value in a bitcode record.
+/// The \p Width parameter should include the continuation bit.
+/// Note that the LLVM bitcode format only supports unsigned values.
+template <unsigned Width> class BCVBR : public detail::BCField<> {
+  static_assert(Width >= 2, "width does not have room for continuation bit");
+  static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
+    abbrev.Add(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::VBR, Width));
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {
+    assert(data >= 0 && "cannot encode signed integers");
+  }
+/// Represents a character encoded in LLVM's Char6 encoding.
+/// This format is suitable for encoding decimal numbers (without signs or
+/// exponents) and C identifiers (without dollar signs), but not much else.
+/// \sa
+class BCChar6 : public detail::BCField<> {
+  static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
+    abbrev.Add(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::Char6));
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void assertValid(const T &data) {
+    assert(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::isChar6(data) && "invalid Char6 data");
+  }
+  template <typename T> char convert(T rawValue) {
+    return static_cast<char>(rawValue);
+  }
+/// Represents an untyped blob of bytes.
+/// If present, this must be the last field in a record.
+class BCBlob : public detail::BCField<true> {
+  static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
+    abbrev.Add(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::Blob));
+  }
+/// Represents an array of some other type.
+/// If present, this must be the last field in a record.
+template <typename ElementTy> class BCArray : public detail::BCField<true> {
+  static_assert(!ElementTy::IsCompound, "arrays can only contain scalar 
+  static void emitOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
+    abbrev.Add(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp(llvm::BitCodeAbbrevOp::Array));
+    ElementTy::emitOp(abbrev);
+  }
+namespace detail {
+/// Attaches the last field to an abbreviation.
+/// This is the base case for \c emitOps.
+/// \sa BCRecordLayout::emitAbbrev
+template <typename FieldTy> static void emitOps(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
+  FieldTy::emitOp(abbrev);
+/// Attaches fields to an abbreviation.
+/// This is the recursive case for \c emitOps.
+/// \sa BCRecordLayout::emitAbbrev
+template <typename FieldTy, typename Next, typename... Rest>
+static void emitOps(llvm::BitCodeAbbrev &abbrev) {
+  static_assert(!FieldTy::IsCompound,
+                "arrays and blobs may not appear in the middle of a record");
+  FieldTy::emitOp(abbrev);
+  emitOps<Next, Rest...>(abbrev);
+/// Helper class for dealing with a scalar element in the middle of a record.
+/// \sa BCRecordLayout
+template <typename ElementTy, typename... Fields> class BCRecordCoding {
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename ElementDataTy, typename... DataTy>
+  static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
+                   unsigned code, ElementDataTy element, DataTy && {
+    static_assert(!ElementTy::IsCompound,
+                  "arrays and blobs may not appear in the middle of a record");
+    ElementTy::assertValid(element);
+    buffer.push_back(element);
+    BCRecordCoding<Fields...>::emit(Stream, buffer, code,
+                                    std::forward<DataTy>(data)...);
+  }
+  template <typename T, typename ElementDataTy, typename... DataTy>
+  static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, ElementDataTy &element,
+                   DataTy && {
+    assert(!buffer.empty() && "too few elements in buffer");
+    element = ElementTy::convert(buffer.front());
+    BCRecordCoding<Fields...>::read(buffer.slice(1),
+                                    std::forward<DataTy>(data)...);
+  }
+  template <typename T, typename... DataTy>
+  static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, NoneType, DataTy && {
+    assert(!buffer.empty() && "too few elements in buffer");
+    BCRecordCoding<Fields...>::read(buffer.slice(1),
+                                    std::forward<DataTy>(data)...);
+  }
+/// Helper class for dealing with a scalar element at the end of a record.
+/// This has a separate implementation because up until now we've only been
+/// \em building the record (into a data buffer), and now we need to hand it
+/// off to the BitstreamWriter to be emitted.
+/// \sa BCRecordLayout
+template <typename ElementTy> class BCRecordCoding<ElementTy> {
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename DataTy>
+  static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
+                   unsigned code, const DataTy &data) {
+    static_assert(!ElementTy::IsCompound,
+                  "arrays and blobs need special handling");
+    ElementTy::assertValid(data);
+    buffer.push_back(data);
+    Stream.EmitRecordWithAbbrev(code, buffer);
+  }
+  template <typename T, typename DataTy>
+  static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, DataTy &data) {
+    assert(buffer.size() == 1 && "record data does not match layout");
+    data = ElementTy::convert(buffer.front());
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, NoneType) {
+    assert(buffer.size() == 1 && "record data does not match layout");
+    (void)buffer;
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer) = delete;
+/// Helper class for dealing with an array at the end of a record.
+/// \sa BCRecordLayout::emitRecord
+template <typename ElementTy> class BCRecordCoding<BCArray<ElementTy>> {
+  template <typename BufferTy>
+  static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
+                   unsigned code, StringRef data) {
+    // TODO: validate array data.
+    Stream.EmitRecordWithArray(code, buffer, data);
+  }
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename ArrayTy>
+  static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
+                   unsigned code, const ArrayTy &array) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    for (auto &element : array)
+      ElementTy::assertValid(element);
+    buffer.reserve(buffer.size() + std::distance(array.begin(), array.end()));
+    std::copy(array.begin(), array.end(), std::back_inserter(buffer));
+    Stream.EmitRecordWithAbbrev(code, buffer);
+  }
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename ElementDataTy, typename... DataTy>
+  static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
+                   unsigned code, ElementDataTy element, DataTy... data) {
+    std::array<ElementDataTy, 1 + sizeof...(data)> array{{element, data...}};
+    emit(Stream, buffer, code, array);
+  }
+  template <typename BufferTy>
+  static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &Buffer,
+                   unsigned code, NoneType) {
+    Stream.EmitRecordWithAbbrev(code, Buffer);
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  static void read(ArrayRef<T> Buffer, ArrayRef<T> &rawData) {
+    rawData = Buffer;
+  }
+  template <typename T, typename ArrayTy>
+  static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, ArrayTy &array) {
+    array.append(llvm::map_iterator(buffer.begin(), T::convert),
+                 llvm::map_iterator(buffer.end(), T::convert));
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, NoneType) {
+    (void)buffer;
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer) = delete;
+/// Helper class for dealing with a blob at the end of a record.
+/// \sa BCRecordLayout
+template <> class BCRecordCoding<BCBlob> {
+  template <typename BufferTy>
+  static void emit(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
+                   unsigned code, StringRef data) {
+    Stream.EmitRecordWithBlob(code, buffer, data);
+  }
+  template <typename T> static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer) { (void)buffer; }
+  /// Blob data is not stored in the buffer if you are using the correct
+  /// accessor; this method should not be used.
+  template <typename T, typename DataTy>
+  static void read(ArrayRef<T> buffer, DataTy &data) = delete;
+/// A type trait whose \c type field is the last of its template parameters.
+template <typename Head, typename... Tail> struct last_type {
+  using type = typename last_type<Tail...>::type;
+template <typename Head> struct last_type<Head> { using type = Head; };
+/// A type trait whose \c value field is \c true if the last type is BCBlob.
+template <typename... Types>
+using has_blob = std::is_same<BCBlob, typename last_type<int, Types...>::type>;
+/// A type trait whose \c value field is \c true if the given type is a
+/// BCArray (of any element kind).
+template <typename T> struct is_array {
+  template <typename E> static bool check(BCArray<E> *);
+  static int check(...);
+  typedef bool value_type;
+  static constexpr bool value = !std::is_same<decltype(check((T *)nullptr)),
+                                              decltype(check(false))>::value;
+/// A type trait whose \c value field is \c true if the last type is a
+/// BCArray (of any element kind).
+template <typename... Types>
+using has_array = is_array<typename last_type<int, Types...>::type>;
+} // namespace detail
+/// Represents a single bitcode record type.
+/// This class template is meant to be instantiated and then given a name,
+/// so that from then on that name can be used.
+template <typename IDField, typename... Fields> class BCGenericRecordLayout {
+  llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream;
+  /// The abbreviation code used for this record in the current block.
+  ///
+  /// Note that this is not the same as the semantic record code, which is the
+  /// first field of the record.
+  const unsigned AbbrevCode;
+  /// Create a layout and register it with the given bitstream writer.
+  explicit BCGenericRecordLayout(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream)
+      : Stream(Stream), AbbrevCode(emitAbbrev(Stream)) {}
+  /// Emit a record to the bitstream writer, using the given buffer for scratch
+  /// space.
+  ///
+  /// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here.
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
+  void emit(BufferTy &buffer, unsigned id, Data && const {
+    emitRecord(Stream, buffer, AbbrevCode, id, std::forward<Data>(data)...);
+  }
+  /// Registers this record's layout with the bitstream reader.
+  ///
+  /// eturns The abbreviation code for the newly-registered record type.
+  static unsigned emitAbbrev(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
+    auto Abbrev = std::make_shared<llvm::BitCodeAbbrev>();
+    detail::emitOps<IDField, Fields...>(*Abbrev);
+    return Stream.EmitAbbrev(std::move(Abbrev));
+  }
+  /// Emit a record identified by \p abbrCode to bitstream reader \p Stream,
+  /// using \p buffer for scratch space.
+  ///
+  /// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here. Blobs are passed
+  /// as StringRefs, while arrays can be passed inline, as aggregates, or as
+  /// pre-encoded StringRef data. Skipped values and empty arrays should use
+  /// the special Nothing value.
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
+  static void emitRecord(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
+                         unsigned abbrCode, unsigned recordID, Data && 
+    static_assert(sizeof...(data) <= sizeof...(Fields) ||
+                      detail::has_array<Fields...>::value,
+                  "Too many record elements");
+    static_assert(sizeof...(data) >= sizeof...(Fields),
+                  "Too few record elements");
+    buffer.clear();
+    detail::BCRecordCoding<IDField, Fields...>::emit(
+        Stream, buffer, abbrCode, recordID, std::forward<Data>(data)...);
+  }
+  /// Extract record data from \p buffer into the given data fields.
+  ///
+  /// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here. Pass \c Nothing
+  /// if you don't care about a particular parameter. Blob data is not included
+  /// in the buffer and should be handled separately by the caller.
+  template <typename ElementTy, typename... Data>
+  static void readRecord(ArrayRef<ElementTy> buffer, Data && {
+    static_assert(sizeof...(data) <= sizeof...(Fields),
+                  "Too many record elements");
+    static_assert(sizeof...(Fields) <=
+                      sizeof...(data) + detail::has_blob<Fields...>::value,
+                  "Too few record elements");
+    return detail::BCRecordCoding<Fields...>::read(buffer,
+  }
+  /// Extract record data from \p buffer into the given data fields.
+  ///
+  /// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here. Pass \c Nothing
+  /// if you don't care about a particular parameter. Blob data is not included
+  /// in the buffer and should be handled separately by the caller.
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
+  static void readRecord(BufferTy &buffer, Data && {
+    return readRecord(llvm::makeArrayRef(buffer), std::forward<Data>(data)...);
+  }
+/// A record with a fixed record code.
+template <unsigned RecordCode, typename... Fields>
+class BCRecordLayout
+    : public BCGenericRecordLayout<BCLiteral<RecordCode>, Fields...> {
+  using Base = BCGenericRecordLayout<BCLiteral<RecordCode>, Fields...>;
+  enum : unsigned {
+    /// The record code associated with this layout.
+    Code = RecordCode
+  };
+  /// Create a layout and register it with the given bitstream writer.
+  explicit BCRecordLayout(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream) : Base(Stream) {}
+  /// Emit a record to the bitstream writer, using the given buffer for scratch
+  /// space.
+  ///
+  /// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here.
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
+  void emit(BufferTy &buffer, Data && const {
+    Base::emit(buffer, RecordCode, std::forward<Data>(data)...);
+  }
+  /// Emit a record identified by \p abbrCode to bitstream reader \p Stream,
+  /// using \p buffer for scratch space.
+  ///
+  /// Note that even fixed arguments must be specified here. Currently, arrays
+  /// and blobs can only be passed as StringRefs.
+  template <typename BufferTy, typename... Data>
+  static void emitRecord(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, BufferTy &buffer,
+                         unsigned abbrCode, Data && {
+    Base::emitRecord(Stream, buffer, abbrCode, RecordCode,
+                     std::forward<Data>(data)...);
+  }
+/// RAII object to pair entering and exiting a sub-block.
+class BCBlockRAII {
+  llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream;
+  BCBlockRAII(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream, unsigned block, unsigned abbrev)
+      : Stream(Stream) {
+    Stream.EnterSubblock(block, abbrev);
+  }
+  ~BCBlockRAII() { Stream.ExitBlock(); }
+} // namespace llvm

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