The Economic and Political Weekly
December 25, 2004


Though Indians make up only 1 per cent of the US 
population, they are well represented in the US 
IT industry. Beginning from the early 1990s, the 
flow of H1B workers from India has been unabated, 
though it did show stagnation in the years of the 
recession. Indian IT professionals work mainly in 
low and middle levels in a technical capacity. 
Barring a few spectacular examples of those who 
have set up their own companies in Silicon 
Valley, most follow the hard route to success. In 
general they are paid less than their US-born 
colleagues and often are also denied fair 
promotion opportunities. Though recent 
outsourcing of activities has boosted the IT 
industry in India, Indian cyber workers in the US 
still need to break the 'glass ceiling' to 
reach high level managerial positions.

by Roli Varma, Everett M Rogers

Information technology (IT)1 has brought about 
fundamental changes in the way people work, 
learn, interact, do business, and govern 
themselves in the US. According to US Federal 
Reserve Chairman Greenspan (2000), innovations in 
IT have begun to alter the manner in which 
business is conducted and value is created in 
ways not readily foreseeable even five years ago. 
The US president's Information Advisory Committee 
(1999) identified 10 national challenges due to 
IT- how we communicate, how we store and access 
information, how we become healthier and receive 
proper medical care, how we learn, how we conduct 
business, how we work, how we design and build 
things, how we conduct research, how we sustain a 
livable environment, and how we manage our 
government in the next millennium.

In recent years, the IT-producing sector has been 
growing faster than the US economy as a whole. 
Furthermore, fundamental changes in the US 
economy due to IT are taking place at a very fast 
unprecedented pace. Increasing innovations in IT 
have been having a positive effect on US 
productivity since the mid-1990s [Brynjolfsson 
and Hitt 1996, US Department of Commerce 2000]. 
The development, diffusion, and consequences of 
IT in the US are part of what has been called the 
information age [Naisbett 1982], the digital 
economy [Tapscott 1996], the network society 
[Castells 1996], the information society [Alberts 
and Papp 1997], the new economy [Atkinson and 
Court 1998], and the Internet economy [Centre for 
Research in Electronic Commerce 1999]. IT has 
transformed what Bell (1975) once called the 
post-industrial society.

Brainpower is the key resource in an information 
society. One of the main sources of diffusion of 
IT in the US has been the inexpensive skilled 
manpower generated by India in scientific and 
technical fields. Indians2 are less than 1 per 
cent of the US population but comprise over 10 
per cent of US scientists and engineers.3 Many 
are working in the IT sector.4 In Silicon Valley, 
the integrated circuit or IC generally refers not 
to semi-conductor chips but to Indian and Chinese 
workers who accounts for more than one-third of 
the science and engineering workforce in most 
technology firms [Saxenian 1999].

This paper documents the growing presence of 
Indians in the IT sector in the US. It is well 
advertised that many Indians in IT have broken 
the glass ceiling5 and now lead their own 
high-technology6 companies. Relatively, a few 
Indians have made the Forbes' billionaire list. 
It is less known that Indians in IT are building 
social and economic networks back to India that 
further enhance entrepreneurial opportunities in 
the US and India. Most importantly, very little 
is known about the working conditions of Indians 
in the IT sector in the US. Many continue to face 
several structural barriers in career mobility 
into positions of authority.

Demand and Supply of IT Workers

Defining an IT worker is complicated mostly 
because IT occupations are not located solely in 
the IT industry; instead, they are distributed 
throughout the US economy including industry, 
government, and non-profit organisations. Also, 
many occupations are considered IT work even 
though they vary enormously in the technical 
requirements, ranging from data-entry personnel 
to computer scientists. Furthermore, people are 
entering IT workforce with degrees in different 
fields. For instance, in 1999 the highest degree 
earned by college graduates in IT occupations was 
41 per cent in computer/information science, 19 
per cent in engineering, 15 per cent in social 
science, 13 per cent in mathematics, 12 per cent 
in business, 6 per cent in physical science, 4 
per cent in life science, and 13 per cent in 
other fields [National Science Board 2002].

Different studies employ different definitions of 
IT workers. The US Department of Commerce (1997) 
includes computer scientists, computer engineers, 
systems analysts, and programmers in IT 
workforce; whereas the Information Technology 
Association of America or the ITAA (1997, 1998), 
a trade association representing 11,000 
companies, includes all those who perform any 
function related to IT. Freeman and Aspray (1999) 
use the term IT worker for those who add more 
than half the value to work with his or her IT 
knowledge; for less than half the valued added to 
the work with IT, they use the term IT-enabled 

We use the term IT worker in the general sense to 
include a computer scientist, computer product 
designer, computer engineer, systems analyst, 
computer science researcher, system architect, 
system designer, programmer, software engineer, 
microprocessor designer, chip designer, 
maintenance programmer, tester, database 
administrator, help desk specialist, hardware 
maintenance specialist, network installer, 
network administrator, customer support 
specialist, and system consultant. However, many 
sources used in the article may have a different 
meaning of IT worker and thus different 
statistics and claims.

The 1990s witnessed a growing perception that the 
US is facing a shortage of IT workers7 in 
high-technology industry. The ITAA (1997) 
reported that in 1996 American companies could 
not fill 1,90,000 IT jobs. The following year, 
the ITAA (1998) claimed the existence of 3,46,000 
IT vacancies. The US Department of Commerce 
(1997) issued a similar warning after contrasting 
the Bureau of Labour's projection that between 
1996 and 2005 the number of IT jobs would 
increase annually by 95,000 with the National 
Centre for Education Statistics that only 25,000 
bachelor's degrees in computer science are 
produced annually. US Senator Spencer Abraham 
declared: "The one thing on which I think almost 
everyone is in agreement is that we face a 
serious worker shortage with respect to high-tech 
employment and skilled labour in America today." 
Similarly, US Representative David Dreier said: 
"There are 3,00,000 jobs that have yet to be 
filled" [Alvarez 2000].

During 2000-2010, employment in S and E 
occupations is expected to increase almost three 
times faster than the rate for all occupations. 
Although the economy as a whole is expected to 
provide approximately 15 per cent more jobs over 
this decade, employment opportunities for S and E 
jobs are expected to increase by about 47 per 
cent (about 2.2 million jobs). Approximately 86 
per cent of the increase in S and E jobs will 
likely occur in computer-related occupations. 
Overall employment in these occupations across 
all industries is expected to increase by about 
82 per cent over the 2000-2010 decade, with more 
than 1.9 million new jobs being added. Jobs for 
computer engineers and scientists are expected to 
increase from 6,97,000 to 1.4 million, while 
employment for computer system analysts is 
expected to grow from 4,31,000 to 6,89,000 jobs 
[National Science Board 2002].

At a time when American society is becoming 
increasingly IT-oriented, individuals studying 
core IT fields, namely, computer science and 
computer engineering are not keeping up with 
increasing demand. There has been a 20-year 
decline in the US college-age population and 
subsequent fall off in degrees in many science 
and engineering fields including computer science 
and computer engineering. For instance, the US 
college-age population decreased from 22 million 
in 1980 to 17 million in 1997, a reduction of 23 
per cent. Since 1997, the college-age cohort has 
been increasing, with strong growth among 
minority groups. Similarly, in 1971, fewer than 
2,400 students received bachelor degrees in 
computer science. By 1986, that number jumped to 
nearly 42,000 including almost 15,000 women. This 
number of recipients began to drop off sharply in 
1987, stabilising by the mid-1990s at about 
24,000. In the late 1990s, there has been an 
increase in bachelor degrees awarded in computer 
science and computer engineering [National 
Science Board 2002]. Even with these gains, the 
supply for labour force in IT is projected to 
remain low.

The dotcom bust in 2000-2001 has slowed the 
demand for IT workers. According to the ITAA 
(2002), the demand for new IT workers fell by 44 
per cent, from 1.6 million in 2000 to 9,00,000 in 
2001. The Bureau of Labour Statistics reported 
that the unemployment rate for computer 
scientists increased from 3.4 per cent to 5 per 
cent between 2001 and 2002 [Lewis 2003]. Joint 
Venture Silicon Valley found that "driving" 
industries - software, semi-conductors and 
computer and communications hardware - in Silicon 
Valley, lost 22 per cent of their jobs from the 
second quarter of 2001 to the second quarter of 
2002 [Fisher 2003]. However, the US has been 
treating the economic slowdown as a temporary 
phenomenon and expects to recover from it. 
According to Time Magazine (November 24, 2003), 
key indicators show the long-awaited economic 

Pulling IT Workers from India

The US is concerned about the nation's ability to 
meet its technical workforce needs and to 
maintain its competitive position in the global 
IT markets. One solution to the shortage of IT 
workers is to open the door to foreign-born. 
After second world war, the US changed its 
immigration and naturalisation policies from 
'skin' to 'skill' to fill the expected shortfall 
of candidates in science and engineering fields.

Before 1965, Asians were forbidden to enter the 
US. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 barred 
virtually all immigration from China and 
prevented all Chinese already in the US from 
becoming US citizens, even their American-born 
children. Similarly, the Gentlemen's Agreement in 
1907 made Japan stop issuing passports for 
Japanese workers to go to the US. In 1917, 
Congress introduced the Barred Zone Act, which 
prevented immigration from the east Asia. Again 
in 1924, Congress enacted the Oriental Exclusion 
Act that virtually banned all immigration from 

As America entered second world war, Congress 
started to liberalise US immigration and 
naturalisation regulations for Asians. The 1952 
Act set a quota of 100 for several Asian nations. 
However, the decisive year for Asian immigration 
into the US was 1965 when Asian nations were 
placed on an equal basis with other countries. 
The 1965 Immigration Act set the limit of 20,000 
per year per country, with the overall ceiling of 
2,70,000 based on the preference system. Priority 
was given to family reunification, refugees, and 
skilled labour. For instance, the third 
preference was for professionals, scientists, and 
artists of exceptional ability (maximum 10 per 
cent) and the sixth preference was for workers in 
occupations with labour shortages (maximum 10 per 
cent). The only caveat was that these two 
preferences were to be approved by the US 
Department of Labour, so economically oriented 
visas could be watched closely.

The preference for skilled labour from abroad, 
which gained momentum in the mid-1960s, 
experienced accelerated growth in the 1990s. The 
1990 Immigration Act created a category of 65,000 
temporary workers (H1B visas) admitted for up to 
six years based on education and technical skills 
in demand. In 1997 and 1998, however, the quota 
of 65,000 visas was exhausted before the end of 
the each fiscal year. High-technology companies 
conducted a vigorous lobbying campaign, which 
resulted in legislation raising the quota to 
1,15,000 for fiscal years 1999 and 2000. For 
instance, on October 21, 1999, Roberta Katz, 
chief executive officer of the Technology 
Network, testified before the Subcommittee on 
Immigration Committee on the Judiciary United 
States Senate that America's technological and 
economic leadership would be jeopardised unless 
American companies continued to have access to 
the most highly skilled employees from abroad. In 
2000, even the expanded quota was used up barely 
six months into the year. Accordingly, the quota 
for H1B visas was expanded to 1,95,000 for the 
following three years. More than half of H1B 
visas have been issued for computer-related or 
electrical engineering positions. Because of high 
percentage, H1B visas are often thought to be for 
IT workers. Another visa, L1 allows multinational 
companies to transfer workers from foreign 
operations into the US. The recent US economic 
slowdown has slowed the demand for skilled 
workers and H1B visas are back to 65,000 as the 
law had specified.

The tight IT labour market is not unique to the 
US. Western Europe has a current shortage of 
8,50,000 IT sector jobs with the shortage 
expected to grow to 1.7 million by 2003. 
Similarly, a Canada IT worker shortage will grow 
to nearly half a million by 2010 [West and 
Bogumil 2001]. Western countries are changing 
their immigration policies to attract skilled 
labour from abroad. They are competing with each 
other for scare and valuable IT workers in much 
the same way they have previously competed for 
raw materials.

India has been providing nearly half of the H1B 
petitions; the next share has been going to China 
(approximately 10 per cent). India has witnessed 
the largest increase in the US population for IT 
workers mostly because the number of India's IT 
workers is growing rapidly. American companies 
have been actively involved in recruiting Indians 
to fill job openings. They are trying to attract 
by promising top salaries, better living, health 
benefits, and challenging work environment. One 
advertisement promised: 'USA or Your Money Back.' 
Another declared: 'State of the Art Facility'. US 
companies favour IT workers from India because 
they offer a unique set of technical skills, well 
versed in English, do not demand higher wages, 
are willing to relocate and not very demanding, 
and help companies to build or strengthen their 
business in India. Many body shoppers or 
recruiting agencies have emerged in India to 
facilitate migration of skilled IT workers on H1B 
visas. Indian migration to the US is a 
consequence of globalisation and market 
penetration across national boundaries.

As the number of immigrants from Asia and 
developing countries has soared, many Americans 
are raising voices against immigration in 
high-technology companies. For instance, former 
US Senator Alan Simpson believes that immigrants 
take highly skilled jobs away from native-born 
Americans. Similarly, former US labour secretary 
Robert Reich feels that high-technology companies 
lay off native workers to hire foreigners in 
order to maximise their profits. The AFL-CIO, the 
largest labour union in the US, blames 
high-technology companies for holding down their 
costs by hiring immigrants. Many have been 
calling for more immigration restrictions 
especially after the attack on September 11, 
2001, which demolished the World Trade Centre in 
New York, damaged Pentagon in Washington, DC, 
killed over 2,000 civilians, and affected over 
3,00,000 people.

This fiscal year, the US Congress set a quota of 
65,000 H1B visas, which was snapped up 
immediately after they became available on 
October 1. US business wants Congress to revisit 
the cap "to ensure American business has access 
to the talent it needs to help keep (US) economy 
strong." Those who oppose the tech visas argue 
that the existing 65,000 quota is inexcusably 
high considering more than 1,00,000 American 
programmers are unemployed and many more are 
underemployed. The National Hire American 
Citizens Society believes that H-1B visas are 
"American worker replacement programmes" [Francis 

Population, Education, Income, Success

Since 1965, the Indian population in the US has 
started to skyrocket. According to the 2000 US 
Census, there are approximately 1.9 million 
Indians8 in the total US population. The Indian 
population is now the third largest Asian group, 
below the Chinese (2.7 million) and Filipinos 
(2.4 million) [Barnes and Bennett 2002]. Over 70 
per cent of Indians are born outside the US. The 
catalyst behind the growth of the Indian 
population in the 1990s seems to be the influx of 
graduate students and H1B visa holders and their 
families (spouses and children). Many have become 
permanent residents; however, they would have 
been counted in the US Census even with their 
temporary status.

There are a large number of Indians working in 
the IT sector in various metropolitan areas such 
as Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, 
Detroit, Houston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, New 
York, San Francisco and San Jose. Though the 
exact number is not known, available figures 
suggest there are over half-a-million Indian IT 
workers in high-technology companies. According 
to the Immigration Support Network in 1999 there 
were approximately 4,00,000 Indians on H1B visas 
in the US and the vast majority of them were IT 
workers. Over 25 per cent of all scientists and 
engineers in Silicon Valley high-technology 
companies are from India.

The Indian IT workforce in the US is not a 
homogeneous group. There are a small number of 
Indians, who are either born in the US or have 
migrated to the US at a very early age with their 
families. Then there are a significant number of 
former foreign students at American universities, 
who are recruited by high-technology companies 
after they completed their graduate degrees. Many 
hold undergraduate degrees from IIT and graduate 
degrees from top American institutions. These 
people often get green card or permanent 
residency under their company's sponsorship. The 
Bay area of the US is home to almost 4,000 former 
IIT students. Finally there are a large number of 
Indians, who came on H1B visas. They are educated 
from less prestigious institutions in India. Some 
may have become permanent residents though many 
work temporarily.

Indians in IT are predominantly young, highly 
educated, and well trained skilled male workers 
from urban areas in India. Thus, they differ 
notably from their earlier counterparts, who were 
mainly middle-aged, illiterate, male farmers from 
rural areas. Indians in IT have higher levels of 
education than the average Americans. For 
instance, more than two-thirds of all Indian IT 
workers have at least a four-year college degree. 
They are twice more likely to have obtained 
doctoral degrees than are native-born Americans 
[National Science Board 2002]. Indians have the 
most knowledge of advanced software of any ethnic 
group. Further, they are fluent in English. They 
differ from those Indian immigrants coming as 
relatives, as the latter may be less educated.

Indians form a prosperous ethnic community in the 
US especially in high-technology industry. 
Average household income of Indians is over 
$50,000 per year - the highest income of any 
foreign-born group and higher than the income for 
all foreign-born households and US-born 
households [Schmidley 2000]. Indian software 
engineers earn from $60,000 to $80,000 per year 
based on degree and technical expertise. However, 
H1B visa holders are not paid well compared to 
others in high-technology industry. In 2001, the 
median salary of an H1B visa worker from India 
was $52,000 [Matloff 2002]. Several studies have 
found that IT workers coming from India on H1B 
visas typically earn 25 per cent to 30 per cent 
less than their colleagues, who are already 
naturalised citizens.

Almost half of Indians own their home. Most 
Indians in IT fields who are green card holders 
live in suburbs and thus differ from the earlier 
immigrants who lived in the city. Those on H1B 
visas tend to live in sophisticated apartment 
complexes, which are recommended by their 
companies and mostly occupied by Indians. Some 
Silicon Valley IT workers from India cannot 
afford to have their own separate apartments and 
thus share with others. Once Indians acquire a 
green card, they tend to move out of these 
high-tech ghettos to a house in the suburbs.

Indians seem to have 'made it' in mainstream 
America, despite most of them being foreign-born 
and coming to America without money and position. 
They have developed their skills to succeed in a 
technologically advanced society. Several of them 
have contributed to the growth and success of 
high-technology industry, which is the single 
largest employer in the US and the engine of 
technical innovation. For instance, approximately 
one-fourth of high-technology companies in 
Silicon Valley have Indian executives. In 1998, 
Indian-run firms had sales of $2,16,110 per 
employee compared to $2,42,105 sales per employee 
for all technology firms, which are listed in the 
Dun and Bradstreet database. Of the 11,433 
high-technology firms started during the 1980 
period, Indians ran 774 (or 7 per cent). In 1998, 
these companies collectively accounted for over 
$16.8 billion in sales and provided 58,282 jobs 
[Saxenian 1999].

Many Indian entrepreneurs have been extremely 
successful in high-technology industries all over 
the world. For instance, Vinod Khosla is 
co-founder of Sun Microsystems; Aziz Premji is 
chief executive officer of Wipro Industries; 
Sabeer Bhatia founded Hotmail; Arun Netravalli is 
president of Lucent Bell Labs; N R Narayan Murthy 
is founder and chairman of Infosys Technologies; 
Gururaj Deshpande is co-founder of Sycamore 
Networks; Pradeep Sindhu is founder of Juniper 
Networks; Rajendra Singh is founder of the 
Virginia-based Telcom Ventures; Vinod Dham is 
co-founder of NewPath Ventures; Suhas Patil is 
founder of Cirrus Logic; and Prabhu Goel is 
founder of Gateway Design Automation. Among 
successful Indian women are Cisco's vice 
president Jayashree Ullal; Digital Link's 
chairwoman Vinita Gupta; Tioga Systems' chief 
executive officer Radha Basu and Smart Modular 
Company's founder Lata Krishnan.

Collectively, these and many other Indians have 
created a positive perception about Indians as a 
'model' for other minorities to follow in their 
quest to achieve the American dream. US media 
have devoted special coverage to the success of 
Indian immigrants in the US. For instance, on 
January 12, 2003, CBS's 60 Minutes carried a 
story on the IIT, which has produced a stunning 
percentage of chief executive officers and 
innovators in the American high-technology 
industry. Basically, the media tries to convey 
the image that most Indian immigrants in America 
have a 'rags to riches' story. Dinesh D'Souza, a 
conservative political commentator in the US, has 
contrasted the success of Indians to the failures 
of Afro-Americans. Such portrayal has made many 
believe that Indians, unlike women and 
under-represented minorities in the US, are 
unaffected by glass ceiling barriers. Even many 
Indians believe the glass ceiling is a 
diminishing problem in the US especially in 
Silicon Valley. There is a widespread belief that 
if people are competent in the US, they can make 
it to the top regardless of their ethnicity and 

Cracking the Silicon Ceiling

The paradigm of a model minority perpetuates the 
illusion of a colour-blind American society. The 
hidden political message is that the US is a land 
of opportunity for hard-working minorities and 
Indians have become successful, despite past 
racial discrimination in American society. Most 
importantly, this image of model minority 
undercuts the demands of under-represented 
minorities (Afro-Americans, Hispanics, and Native 
Americans). It conveys that under-represented 
minorities should emulate actions and beliefs of 
the Indians. In addition, the model minority 
stereotype penalises Indians by assuming they do 
not need guidance and support.

Further, not all Indians have made it in America. 
US immigration has brought in the cream of the 
techno-crop of Indians. As Bill Gates, chief 
executive officer of Microsoft Corporation, noted 
in his keynote address at the golden jubilee of 
the IIT in January 2003 that more than half the 
combined IIT output of 1,25,000 graduates now 
work outside India, mainly in the US. However, as 
family members join earlier immigrants, many 
Indians make up the working classes. It is 
because they do not have the same credentials as 
those techno-Indians carefully chosen by American 
authorities. For instance, almost 50 per cent of 
taxi drivers in the city of New York are 
Indians/south Asians, who struggle to make a 
living in the US.

Indians enjoy the status of being represented 
very highly as professionals9 (60 per cent), 
despite being a small percentage (less than 1 per 
cent) of the US population. Yet, only 15 per cent 
of them hold management positions in 
high-technology companies [Saxenian 1999]. 
Indians in the US do not enjoy similar chances of 
being promoted and getting ahead in 
high-technology companies. Despite good records 
of achievement, they do not reach a level in 
which they can participate in policy and 
decision-making responsibilities [Varma 2002, 
2004]. Some explain the disproportionately small 
representation of Indians in positions of 
authority and decision-making by pointing a 
finger to the language deficiencies or preference 
for technical over managerial positions. Others 
suggest organisational obstacles such as racial 
prejudice or being outside professional networks.

For those born in India, English is their second 
language. Yet, they are fluent in English and 
have little language difficulties though some may 
have accents that may be hard to understand. Once 
Indians have been recruited in high-technology 
companies, their accent and different 
communication styles influence their performance 
evaluation. It inadvertently creates barriers to 
their advancement and career. However, European 
employees with English-language difficulties are 
treated differently than those from India 
[Federal Glass Ceiling Commission 1995]. This 
suggests the existence of some racial prejudice.

Since Indians are concentrated in technical 
positions, it is often argued that they may not 
be prepared for managerial positions. Indians as 
a group are above the national average in terms 
of educational achievements and academic 
preparedness at high school and college level. 
Many go for higher education. They are mostly 
professionals - a category of workers from where 
most managers come.

However, Indians are not perceived as suited for 
high-level management work. They are considered 
highly educated, intelligent, good in mathematics 
and sciences, hard-working, meticulous, 
non-confrontational, law-abiding, collectivist, 
passive and non-violent. Such perceptions have 
enabled Indians to gain an initial entrance in 
high-technology companies. When it comes to 
managerial positions, the same perceptions work 
against Indians. Generally, managers are supposed 
to be quick decision-makers, risk-takers, 
creative, visionary, assertive, aggressive, 
direct, people-oriented, and individualistic. 
Typically, Indians are seen as good at programmed 
or routine repetitive decisions that are learned 
in advance rather than non-programmed or 
unpredictable decisions that are not formalised. 
Consequently, Indians are viewed as "good 
technicians, rather than managers" or "superior 
professionals, but not as management material" 
[Federal Glass Ceiling Commission 1995].

When Indians do have desired leadership 
qualities, the image of a non-white high-ranking 
manager does not have appeal in many 
high-technology companies. For instance, many 
firms started by Indians in Silicon Valley have 
non-Asian senior executives because venture 
capital financing has been tied to the 
requirement that the latter be hired. Overt 
discrimination against Indians in high-technology 
companies may be on the decline, but they 
continue to face subtle discrimination, 
prejudice, and bias. Generally, cultural values 
for promotion end up reflecting 
traditional 'white male' values. The unstated, 
but ever-present question is whether Indians in 
the US are like their white counterparts.

Consequently, Indians believe that they have to 
work much harder to crack the silicon ceiling. 
Indian women believe that they have to work even 
harder than Indian men to succeed in the US. 
Failure is not an option for Indians in the US; 
they must succeed to achieve their career goals. 
In Vinita Gupta's words, "we were immigrants 
because we were risk takers. We left our safe 
land behind and came to this place looking for 
something bigger and better" [Prasad 2003]. Being 
frustrated about their chances of promotion, some 
Indians started their own high-technology 
companies. As noted earlier, Indians are running 
some of the top high-technology companies in the 
US, which account for a significant portion of 
total technology sales and total technology jobs.

Successful Indians in technopolises - cities in 
which high-technology companies agglomerate such 
as Silicon Valley and Route 128 - have taken 
important initiatives to help other Indians. They 
have created professional associations to provide 
resources and support for Indians/south Asians. 
Membership runs anywhere from several hundred to 
over a thousand. For instance, the Silicon Valley 
Indian Professionals Association (SIPA) was 
founded in 1991 and currently has 1000 members. 
It provides a forum for Indians in the US to 
contribute to cooperation between the US and 
India. Similarly, the Indus Entrepreneur (TiE) 
was founded in 1992 to foster entrepreneurship 
among south Asians to succeed in America as well 
as build ties with India. There is Indian Mafia 
network within Microsoft Corporation. Typical 
activities of these associations are monthly 
meetings, informal get-togethers, annual 
conferences, presentations, networking, and 
mentoring for cross-generational investment, 
raising capital, starting a successful business, 
managing risk, building confidence, and ensuring 
the business grows. The journal, SiliconIndia 
( gives up-to-date 
information about technological business 
activities in the US. Such ethnic associations 
provide Indians/south Asians with special access 
to resources and information to succeed in the 
US. Most importantly, these associations are 
supplemented by informal network connections 
among Indians, which is really a network of 

In addition, there has been a tremendous growth 
in communication links between Indian IT 
communities in America and in India. Some 
successful Indians in American technopolies are 
sending funds as gifts to IITs and other 
institutions in India. Many have started IT 
companies in India to take advantage of its 
inexpensive skilled manpower. Venture capital is 
growing rapidly in India. For instance, from 
February 2000 to February 2001, $5 billion in 
venture capital has been raised for Indian 
investments [Luce 2002]. In the past, mostly 
large western corporations were able to grow 
internationally. Since the late 1980s and early 
1990s, technopolises have been created in several 
Indian cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad. Many 
Indians in American technopolies are linking up 
US companies with Indian technopolies. They have 
an advantage since they speak the same language 
and share the same work culture. It is common for 
Indians who have also become a staple of the IT 
growth to export their knowledge and skills back 
to India.

Plight of Indians on H1B Visas

Unlike Indians born in the US or who moved to the 
US at a young age or Indians who are former 
students with a graduate degree in an IT-related 
field, Indians on H1B visas experience a rather 
hard working environment. Generally, companies 
obtain IT workers from India at a discount from 
body shoppers or recruitment agencies. While 
recruiting workers for US companies and arranging 
visas for them, many recruiting agencies often 
charge a cut for themselves from workers; 
generally, the company, which hires workers, pays 
recruiting agencies. The US Immigration and 
Naturalisation Services (INS) is investigating 
whether H1B workers from India are being forced 
to turn over 25 per cent of their salary to 
recruiting agencies.

The majority of Indians' duties are maintenance 
related and not intellectual based. Even though 
the US federal law holds that benching or giving 
employees assignments that are below their 
respective levels is illegal, it is common 
practice among Indians on H1B visas [Cohn and 
Roche 2000]. Further, Indians earn less money 
than their counterparts. It is common to find 
Indians having a salary relevant to second level 
of the organisation chart even though they are 
working at level four of the organisation [Kumar 
1999]. The US Department of Labour (1999) found 
that almost 20 per cent of the employers were not 
even paying the salaries they had promised in 
their H1B applications; it should be noted that 
the salaries in the applications tend to be low 
to begin with.

For instance, Syntel Inc, a company in Troy, 
Michigan, providing computer personnel and 
services on contract to other companies, has a 
workforce of more than 80 per cent H1B 
immigrants, most of whom are computer analysts 
from India. Syntel management has attested in 
writing that the company would pay its H1B 
workers the prevailing wage - a requirement 
established to protect US workers' wages from 
erosion. Wage and Hour Division, however, found 
that Syntel, in its operations in New Jersey, had 
wilfully paid its Indian IT workers $34,000 per 
year rather than the prevailing rate of $41,000 
required by law - an underpayment of nearly 20 
per cent [US Department of Labour 1999].

A major problem is that the H1B workers are 
indentured to a company, and thus they cannot 
switch jobs. Generally, the company makes H1B 
workers sign an employment contract under which a 
worker has to pay a significant sum in damages 
(approximately $10,000), if he or she fails to 
stay with the company for certain duration 
(typically 18 months to two years), and to give 
the firm advance notice of quitting (generally 
six weeks to two months). Many Indians on H1B 
visas are constantly in fear of being sued or 

The US economic slowdown has further affected 
Indians on H1B visas. In 2001-2002, many 
high-technology companies such as Intel, Cisco, 
Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nortel, 
Yahoo, and America Online (AOL) announced 
thousands of layoffs, which included many H1B 
workers. With a major shift from hardware to 
software production, many small software 
companies have emerged (average-size 20 people), 
who are vendors to Fortune 500 companies. These 
small software companies recruit many Indian IT 
workers. Without business orders from large 
companies, small software companies do not have 
jobs for Indians. This has caused a growing 
number of Indians with H1B visas to be unemployed 
in the US and head back home. The INS does not 
track the number of H1B visa holders who have 
lost jobs and or been forced to return to their 
home country; the INS only keeps data of the 
number of visas issued. The INS issued about 
60,500 H1B visas from October 2001 to June 2002, 
over a 50 per cent decline from 1,30,700 visas 
issued between October 2000 and June 2001. Once 
unemployed, Indians on H1B visas cannot find 
another job in a different company because INS 
will not allow them to transfer their visas to 
the new company. According to the INS, a worker 
is 'out of status' when he/she has lost his/her 
job, and needs to go back home.

Because of massive layoffs in recent years, the 
US government has been willing to make an 
exception with H1B visas holders. Accordingly, 
H1B workers might be able to stay if they qualify 
and find a new company willing to sponsor them. 
Similarly, the state department has said that H1B 
visas may be valid until expiration date. 
However, H1B visa holders have to apply to the 
INS to see if they qualify under 'extraordinary 
circumstances'. The INS makes a decision on a 
case-by-case basis, which may take over two 
months. In the meantime, Indians cannot take any 
job even on a part-time basis. They live in 
uncertainty without an income [Stone and Conway 
2001]. These workers had put in long hours of 
work for the company. Without a job, there is 
little to fall back on. Further, Americans who 
were also laid-off have been blaming workers on 
H1B visas. Americans feel that these workers were 
spared in rounds of layoffs because they make 
less than native-born workers do and are easier 
to boss around.

Young Indian males (median age 28 years) make up 
most of the H1B workers. Their wives and children 
come with them from India on an H4 visa. This 
visa allows them to stay in the US as dependents 
of H1B visa holders. It means women on an H4 visa 
cannot work in the US, although many are highly 
qualified to do so. In this way, they differ from 
the wives of earlier immigrants who were 
primarily homemakers with little education. Other 
than being frustrated with their inability to use 
their education and training in the US, many 
wives on H4 visas are physically and emotionally 
abused by their husbands. There has been an 
increase in the number of battered women among H4 
dependent wives. For instance, in 2001 there were 
at least 150 complaints lodged by women with H4 
visas. These wives cannot leave their husbands 
because current visa rules do not allow the 
dependents of H1B holders to work in the US. 
Further, they cannot stay on in the US in the 
absence of the primary applicant, which gives 
their husbands complete control over their wives' 
lives [Devi 2002]. If divorced on an H4 visa, 
women are immediately considered deportable.

Historically, workers in the IT industry have not 
been organised. There has been an attempt to keep 
the IT industry 'union-free'. For instance, Bob 
Noyce, the co-founder of Intel, declared in the 
early 1980s that "remaining non-union is 
essential for survival for most of our companies. 
If we had work rules that unionised companies 
have, we'd all go out of business. This is a very 
high priority for management" [Jayadev 1999]. The 
increasing unfair treatment of IT workers has led 
to collective action and community intervention. 
HealthWATCH (Workers Acting Together for Change), 
Asian Immigrant Women Association (AIWA), and 
many other associations are involved in 
organising workers in Silicon Valley. The 495 
Networking Support Group in Route 128 has been 
working to highlights concerns of laid-off IT 
workers and engage politicians in a dialogue 
about the future of the Massachusetts economy.

Outsourcing to India

In the late 1990s, many US companies have begun 
outsourcing IT service jobs offshore to deal with 
the shortage of IT workers and fierce global 
competition. Further, outsourcing is not limited 
to only labour-intensive IT services such as 
software maintenance and low level coding; it has 
expanded to sophisticated IT tasks such as web 
applications development, XML, software design, 
architecture, and management. In addition, IT 
enabled business services such as data entry, low 
level processing, customer call centres, 
telemarketing, collections, accounting, human 
resources, procurement, and help desks are being 
outsourced by banks, insurance companies, 
mortgage lenders, credit card companies, 
airlines, and utility providers [Lieberman 2004].

There are various reasons for US companies to 
outsource offshore. Global availability of cost 
effective high speed digital internet connections 
and other communications tools do not require 
direct physical contact. Many developing 
countries have large surplus of well-educated low 
cost labour that can perform IT service jobs for 
US companies at reduce cost. For instance, total 
cost of a software programmer in India is 
approximately $6,000 per year compared with over 
$60,000 per year in the US [Lieberman 2004]. 
Further, many developing countries like India and 
China have been concentrating on the software 
industry as a viable option to strengthen their 
national economy. They have been implementing 
policies to provide favourable business 
environment to multinational corporations. For 
instance, the software technology parks of India 
provide space, finance, infrastructure support, 
and reduce time-consuming approvals from the 
government. This further provides US companies 
low-cost alternatives for their IT services. Yet, 
another reason for US firms to locate their IT 
services to India is the competitive advantage 
gained by working around the clock; 12-hour time 
difference with the US allows Indians to access 
US computers and for US companies to have work 
done continuously 24 hours a day, without the 
need for overtime pay. These and many other 
advantages have standardised the practice of 
outsourcing offshore by US companies.

India has a reputation for high quality technical 
education and English-speaking skills at a low 
cost and thus is the most popular destination for 
US companies' IT workforce needs. India had a $12 
billion IT services export industry in 2003, more 
than 900 software export firms and approximately 
4,15,000 IT professionals, with about 70,000 new 
IT professionals coming into the workforce each 
year. By 2005, India is projected to be the 
second largest global provider of applications 
services (after the US), with a minimum of 30 per 
cent annual growth [Lieberman 2004]. Many US 
companies such as IBM Global Services, GE Capital 
Services, Oracle, EDS, Bank of America, Dell, 
AMEX, Citibank, Prudential, Delta Air Lines, HP, 
and Accenture have been off-shoring operations to 
India. Many prominent Indian companies such as 
Tata Consulting Services, Wipro Technologies, 
Infosys Technologies, Satyam Computer Services 
and HCL Technologies have software development 
contractors in the US.

As US companies are sending more white-collar IT 
service jobs to India and China, outsourcing has 
become a hot political issue in the US. One 
headline captured the sentiment, 'India Rising: 
Programming Jobs Are Heading Overseas by the 
Thousands. Is There a Way for the US to Stay on 
Top?'. Another stated, 'The Rise of India and 
What It Means for America'. Senator John Kerry, 
the losing Democratic presidential candidate in 
the 2004 elections, made outsourcing of jobs 
overseas a key election issue. Lou Dobbs of 
CNN-listed companies that move jobs outside US to 
take advantage of cheap labour. Many think that 
the American software programmers, who were once 
the symbols of hope, are going to become extinct 
within the next few years with competition from 
foreigners like India and China. The accepted 
image of the American IT worker has been of the 
white male, ambitious, high wage earner, home 
owner, and married, the perfect personification 
of the American dream. Now the identity of 
American IT worker stands against Indian IT 
worker who is foreign and exotic. For instance, 
the cover page of Wired Magazine (February 2004) 
portrayed 'The New Face of the Silicon Age'. An 
imagined female Indian IT worker is veiled by her 
own hand, which is in turn covered by a henna 
script that encrypts an imagined foreign computer 
code. The accompanying headline, "Kiss Your 
Cubicle Goodbye" reveals her sinister plan to 
demolish the American IT workplace and 
simultaneously the livelihood of millions of 
Americans [O'Donnell 2004]. The new reality is 
that American IT workers are competing in the 
global market. However, there is no international 
white-collar working class solidarity; instead, 
there are only American interests.

Indians have made vast strides in IT education 
and employment in high-technology companies. 
Instead of being under-represented like 
Afro-Americans and Hispanics, Indians are 
over-represented in IT occupations. Further, they 
are concentrated in professional and technical 
occupations. Yet, Indian IT workers with similar 
educational background and skills as whites do 
not have comparable prospects of success in 
career attainment. Indians on H1B visas in IT 
occupations face several barriers including low 
pay, less stimulating work, and insecurity. Some 
Indian IT workers are highly educated from 
prestigious institutions, have high paying jobs, 
and are running high-technology companies. While 
others are educated from less prestigious 
institutions, have comparatively low-level jobs, 
and are not sure about their future in US. The 
latter group of Indians makes up most of the 
Indian cyber workers in the US; they have to work 
much harder to succeed in high-technology 
companies in the US.

Address for correspondence:

[Professor Everett Rogers passed away on October 
21, 2004. This research was supported by a grant 
from the National Science Foundation 
(SES 0136467) to Varma. An earlier version of 
this paper was presented by Varma at XXVIII All 
India Sociological Conference, IIT Kanpur, 
December 18-20, 2002.]


1 IT is not a single technology; instead, it is a 
combination of four basic technologies - tools to 
access information, telecommunications linkages 
(including networks), information processing 
hardware and software, and storage media [Keen 
1995]. The foundation of IT is the ability to 
represent text, data sound, and visual 
information digitally.
2 In the US Census, people are classified as 
Asian Indians if they are of Asian Indian origin 
or if they are of Asian Indian race, or if they 
are foreign-born people from India.
3 The National Science Foundation uses the term 
'scientist' and 'engineer' for those who hold at 
least a bachelors degree in or are employed in 
science and engineering fields.
4 There are two areas - Silicon Valley and Route 
128 - in the US that are considered the world's 
leading centres of IT innovation. In recent 
years, however, Route 128 has experienced a 
decline, compared to Silicon Valley. While Route 
128 is dominated by a small number of 
high-technology companies, Silicon Valley has 
over one third of the 100 largest high-technology 
companies [Alarcon 1999].
5 In 1986, the Wall Street Journal popularised 
the term "glass ceiling" to describe the 
invisible barriers that women face as they 
approach the top of the corporate hierarchy. 
President George Bush created the Federal Glass 
Ceiling Commission in 1991 to identify the glass 
ceiling barriers that block the advancement of 
minorities and women as well as the successful 
practices and policies that lead to the 
advancement of minorities and women into 
decision-making positions in the private sector. 
The Federal Glass Ceiling Commission completed 
its mandate in January 1996.
6 In the manufacturing sector, four industries 
are identified as high-technology (science-based 
industries whose products involve above-average 
levels of R&D): aerospace, computers and office 
machinery, communication equipment, and 
pharmaceuticals. In the service sector, three 
industries are identified as high-technology 
(those incorporate science, engineering, and 
technology in their services): communications 
services, financial services, and business 
services (including computer software 
7 Some have argued that there is no shortage of 
IT labour in high-technology industry; only a 
shortage of cheap labour. They point out that the 
ITAA's study does not address the difference 
between supply and demand and includes 
technicians within the programmer occupation. 
Furthermore, employers do not want to retrain 
older programmers since it is costly so they hire 
cheap labour from abroad (see Matloff 2002).
8 This number includes those who identified only 
Asian Indian (1.7 million) as a race as well as 
Asian Indian and one other race (0.2 million).
9 The occupational classification system used by 
the US Census includes over 500 detailed 
occupational categories, which are generally 
combined into the six summary occupational groups 
such as managerial and professional specialty; 
technical, sales, and administrative support; 
service occupations; precision production, craft 
and repair; operators, fabricators, and 
labourers; and farming, forestry and fishing.


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© Copyright 2001 The Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved.


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