Sorry if this is an oft-times repeated thread, but I was wondering if it
is possible to configure logj4 to use a different priority scheme, one
that extends the Priority class?  I find the five or so levels provided
insufficient for my development needs, plus I am more accustomed to a
numerical log-level system (i.e. I don't want to have to remember that
ERROR is more verbose than WARN, etc.; 10 is verbose, 0 ain't).  From
what I can tell, I would have to write a custom extension of the
PropertyConfigurator to do this.  There is nothing in the documentation
that tells me how to configure the existing system to use a different
Priority system (unless I just haven't found it yet).  Any guidance? 
Thanx in advance!


ps if there are searchable archives of the mailing list out there,
please tell me where so I can do some digging!

Jeffrey & Nikole Bonevich
Maxmillian Bonevich
Ann Arbor, Michigan

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