
The semantics of isConfigured() is far from being clear. What happens if a config file 
has hundreds of lines containing just one mistake. The DOMConfigurator will emit a 
warning about the erroneous line and happily configure log4j according to the rest 
(correct) config file. 

What should isConfigured() return in that case? Ceki 

At 12:05 17.04.2001 -0600, Alan Robertson wrote:
>Ceki, et al:
>I'm wondering if there is any way to determine if the DOMConfigurator
>was successfully configured or not?  The configure() and
>configureAndWatch() methods only return void and not a boolean and they
>don't even throw exceptions if they have a problem, right?  So they
>offer no feedback as to whether they were sucessful or not.
>Would it be possible to add a method that returns a boolean indicating
>whether the DOMConfigurator is configured or not?  Maybe called
>something like isConfigured()?  That would be easier than changing the
>configure methods to return a boolean.
>The reason I need this is so I can determine if an attempt at
>configuring the DOMConfigurator was sucessful or not.  If it is not
>sucessful then I will fall back to using the BasicConfigurator and
>provide feedback to the user that the DOM didn't work.
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Ceki Gülcü

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