I found it. And it indeed closes System.err. Here's the stack trace.
(manually typed in from looking at JBuilder's debugger window --
there may be typos, after all, it's me typing ...)

java.io.Printstream.close # 117   -- and this instance is System.err
java.io.OutputStreamWriter.close # 259
java.io.FilterWriter.close # 89
WriterAppender.closeWriter # 212
WriterAppender.reset # 331
WriterAppender.close # 202
AppenderAttachableImpl.removeAllAppenders # 109
Category.remoteAllAppenders # 897
PropertyConfigurator.parseCategory # 586
PropertyConfigurator.configureRootCategory # 502
PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure # 410
PropertyConfigurator.configure # 341

The config file being set in the above call is:

log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1, A2


# A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender

log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p [%t] (%13F:%L)%n - %m%n%n

# Set options for appender named "A2"

log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %d [%t] %-17c{3}
(%13F:%L) %n @ %C.%M:%L%n%n - %m%n-----------------%n

My (admittedly uneducated) guess would be that ConsoleAppender not
only needs to override closeWriter() -- which it does -- but also

Let me know if you have any questions.

>Nothing in the log4j core closes System.err. However, without
>looking at your properties file it is hard to say what is going on.
>For example, Jboss (http://jboss.org) maintains its own appender
>which redirects system.err and system.out to a default category and
>then to an appender. Your environment might play similar tricks on
>In any case, your bug report is not meaningful without the contents
>of your properties file. Regards, Ceki
>At 11:22 10.08.2001 -0700, Johannes Ernst wrote:
>>I'm not sure I can beyond the code fragment below. Maybe some questions:
>>  - is there any chance that log4j calls "System.err.close()"
>>somewhere under some circumstances? That would reproduce my
>>  - or a "redirect" in some form, such as
>>"System.err=someOtherStream" -- I realize that System.err. is
>>final, so maybe not
>>If there's nothing that jumps out at you, the problem is probably
>>on my end although I have no idea where to look ...
>>>Can you please more detail? Ceki
>>>At 16:39 09.08.2001 -0700, Johannes Ernst wrote:
>>>>Here's my code:
>>>>System.err.println( "something" )   -- works as it should
>>>>PropertyConfigurator.configure( myProperties );
>>>>System.err.println( "some more" )    -- DOES NOT PRINT anything
>>>>I realize this is either the world's easiest question or not
>>>>answerable by anyone except me.
>>>>The properties configure a ConsoleAppender and a RollingFileAppender.
>>>>I appreciate your help. Cheers,
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