On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 11:27:39AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
> because, unlike something actually useful, AV only indexes words in its
> dictionary. since bax (although semantically significant) is not in its
> dictioanary it don;t find it. pile of shit. Google is oodddddleeeesss
> better. if you have a part number AE1233499 and you bung it in google, if
> its out there, it finds it. Altavista won't.

There was a Altavista project called "Raging" which they've now ditched
by the looks of it. It was basically a complete
look-n-feel-n-functionality rip-off of Google. It's a shame it's not up
there any more because it was a model of brazen plagiarism. Anyhow, they
have two different search engines -- the portal one and a 'text only'
one which uses a different system:


which *does* provide Bax hits...


Abandon desire

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