From: Greg McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 9/25/01 3:20:35 PM

>* Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Better still, _replace_ Ferris Bueller with Heathers so 
>> they'd all be _watchable_ films :)
> *gasp* *gasp* *gasp*
> Shurely your not suggesting Ferris Bueller is a an 
> unwatchable film? I realise that after leading 
> for so long you may side with the authoritarian figures 
> (the teachers) in the film, but to say its 
> unwatchable ...... sheesh.

Well I know that which films you like is a personal thing, but
I can't honestly believe that anyone enjoyed that pile of nonsense.

As unwatchable films go it's right up there with "Charlie's Angels",
"American Pie" and "Gladiator". I'd rather watch something by
Andy Warhol :)



"Let me see you make decisions, without your television"
   - Depeche Mode (Stripped)

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