This is the 42nd weekly summary of the London Perl Mongers mailing
list. For the holiday week starting 2001-12-31:

Check out the website for information about upcoming
meetings and events. We had a fairly quiet social meeting this week
(on a Friday! Breaking with Tradition!)  which was fun (Mark wrote it
up, again). There may be a tech meet coming up on the 17th:

OK, far from being obsessed and going crazy about it, I may as well
talk about it some more and tell you that I had a potential terrorist
attempt to blow up the plane I was on heading off to my holidays.  I
feel lucky to be here. No, this isn't linked to my New Year's
resolution to drink more cocktails, but it could be. Read about it:

Nat went crazy and posted the two most amusing set of emails to the
list about getting us all to donate to The Perl Foundation so we can
sponsor cool Perl people to do cool Perl (and Parrot) things for the
next year. Give, give, give people!:

Greg (who else) "was thinking about intelligence recently". He posted
about neural nets and our brains being virtual machines which are
adapted to Perl hacking and so are less good at other things. Evildave
had a good point that "It seems that the explanation du jour for how
the brain works is always the most recent widely-understood scientific
theory". Rafiq thinks that consciousness is the emergent effect of
those logic circuits doing their things, but he's a Hofstadterian.
Quantum mechanics may or may not play a part in intelligence. Does the
brain do trigonometry? There was some argument on the definition of
intelligence. Metaphors got mixed. Cognac ergo sum. Simon poached
threads. Andy sums it up nicely: "It all works by magic":

There was a short moritorium on Lord of the Rings discussions. If you
haven't seen it already, you're missing out. It's amazing. I wouldn't
mind going to see it again (oh, and Harry Potter too, just to compare)...

Lucy informs us that the dromedary (one humped) camel is Camelus
dromedarius and the llama is Lama glame, and that the two are cousins.
No, I don't know why she told us, either:

Ivor asked what Perl stands for. Either Pathologically Eclectic
Rubbish Lister or Practical Extraction and Report Language says the
new OED.

On of the Daves asked about how anti-spam technologies are going
thesedays. Razor looks interesting, as does spam assassin:

Networked games appear to be the order of the day, ranging from
dopewars (server on, to XFrisk and Tetrinet. Maybe TEG:

It appears to have been a good time for silly job adverts, such as one
for a Perl Trainer working 15 hours a week for 12 weeks for 900 squid
in total. Yes, that's "in total". Not even our ex-glorious-leader
would take this job. Now, if it was for 10x more...

Strange Perl idiom of the week: perl -wle 'use strict; sub id {my $id
if 0; $id++} print id,id,id' or my $x=23 for 1; print $x;. These are
currently both small discrepancies in Perl so don't depend on them...

Andrew wins with the weirdest post (and weirdest use of Perl) award by
visualising Buffy riding a Pony (run the code!):

Check out what all the CFT gang have got up to on IRC:

In other news: absolutely no spoilers about Buffy series 6 (or 5 for
that matter) or we'll have to kill you, Tivo still rocks, "Perl
programmers do it more than one way" versus perl -e 'programmers: do {
$it } for (qw( the love of ), $it)', employing cheap Polish guys, grep
can't be overriden -> no singing then, random Colindale dimsum type
things, little stories about losing your copy of "the ANSI C
Programming Language", going to see our camel again, dumrats
organising an AD&D roleplaying meet, wanting things that'll be in
Text::Reflow (come on Damian! ;-), copy protection on ST games
vs. "The Amiga was better", VMS's file security strategy vs. "surely
everyone logs on as Administrator", slagging off academics
vs. slagging off the Real World, hating hackers, reading Paradox db

Mmmm, cocktails... Leon
Leon Brocard.............................

... I came, I saw, I did a little shopping

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