On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 11:13:55AM +0000, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> Paul Mison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 08:14:25PM +0000, robin szemeti wrote:
> > > smoothwall is good and just requires an old 486 or similar.

> > b) it didn't support ADSL via USB, so I gave up and used FreeBSD
> >    instead, what with it actually working and stuff.
> Not to be a pain, but I managed to get smoothwall working with USB
> ADSL a couple of months ago for a friend.  You do need to download the
> alcatel drivers and pick a file out them beforehand, but other than
> that, it works quite well and easily.
> I think SmoothWall 0.9.9 and later claim to be able to do this.

Bad phrasing. It (Smoothwall 0.9.9se, ISOed from the website circa
2001-12-20) claimed to support USB, but despite following the
instructions, hitting the machine a bit and asking on IRC (where I got
the wonderfully helpful advice 'your hardware is broken'), I decided not
to bother any more and install FreeBSD on the fairly sound basis that I
knew someone who had got the same kit working. And lo, FreeBSD was good
(once I figured out what I was doing, anyway).

:: paul
:: husk 

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