On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 06:04:12PM +0000, Mark Fowler wrote:
> You would be required by law to decrypt this file, or prove that you 
> can't.  If you can't prove that you can't then you're going to jail.  Even 
> if someone just emailed you some music.

Of course, you're also required to decrypt all the other music files you
/do/ have the license to pay. You can't, of course, because to do that you'd
have to get round the protection Windows (or whatever) includes that stops
you just turning the secure music into an mp3.

> Yes, that is how the RIP bill works.

Yes, that's how the DMCA works.

Yes, I know only one of them is valid here. So far. I just feel like
pointing this out. Is 'it's illegal to decrypt this' enough of an excude for
RIP? I doubt it.

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