* at 06/10 10:27 +0100 Robert Shiels said:
> I've just about decided to go for ADSL, and Nildram have been recommended
> here, so I go to this page:
> https://www.getadsl.co.uk/services_home.htm
> and now I'm not really sure what I want. I think the cheapest option will
> probably be fine, but maybe I want a static IP address, I'm not sure. I
> don't need web space. Maybe I should be looking at their secure service
> instead!
> I WILL be running this on a Windows PC [1], I will be playing Unreal
> Tournament and downloading MP3 files mostly, and I'd quite like to be able
> to access my home PC remotely to retrieve files when I'm at work. And of
> course fast surfing. I have 3 or 4 other PCs in my house with wireless cards
> in them from which I'd like to be able to access the internet through the
> ADSL connection too.

Well, this is what I'm using due to non geek flatmates who require
something that is easy to understand. Initially i did the using
windows machine as router and it sucks. It's a pain to set up, does
things you don't tell it and you need to leave the machine on all the
time. After a while i bought one of those routery things and it's all
much nicer. It has a firewall (for certain values of firewall) and
will do all my dhcp and so on, and it all more or less worked out the
box. It's a dratek (i think, i'm not at home so can't check) one and
seems pretty good.

And yeah, a static IP is always good as if nothing else it means you
can tell any sysadmin whose box you might want access to that you'll be
coming from that IP and suddenly they get much happier about making
holes in firewalls...


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