
        I'd like to be able to see the perl stack from a C routine,
        which is in turn called from an XSUB. I'm obviously going about
        this the wrong way, but I'd appreciate it if someone could point
        out exactly how.

        I have a file, foo.xs, which looks like this (ignoring the
        includes at the top):

> void peekstack()
> {
>       int i;
>       dXSARGS;
>       fprintf(stderr,"peekstack() sees %d items on the stack\n",
>               items);
>       for (i=0;i<items;i++) {
>               fprintf(stderr,"\t\tST(%d)=\"%s\"\n",
>                       i,SvPV_nolen(ST(i)));
>       }
> }
> MODULE = foo          PACKAGE = foo           
> void method(...)
>       PREINIT:
>               int i;
>       CODE:
>               fprintf(stderr,"method() can see %d items on the stack\n\t",
>                       items);
>               peekstack();
>               fflush(stderr);

        What I would like is for peekstack() to be able to see exactly
        the same stack context as method(). However, when I run it as
        below, peekstack() sees a silly number of arguments on the

> %  perl -Mblib -Mfoo -le 'for (1..3){foo->method();}
> method() can see 1 items on the stack
>       peekstack() sees 3 items on the stack
>               ST(0)="1"
>               ST(1)="3"
>               ST(2)="foo"
> method() can see 1 items on the stack
>       peekstack() sees -134 items on the stack
> method() can see 1 items on the stack
>       peekstack() sees 3 items on the stack
>               ST(0)="1"
>               ST(1)="3"
>               ST(2)="foo"
> %

        I can quite happily use PUSHMARK etc to set up a new stack
        context before calling peekstack(), but then it can't see the
        things that were passed to method(), which is what I'm after. Is
        there some particular macro I should be using to do this? 

        Another (vaguely related) question:- as far as I can tell from
        pp.h and friends, "dXSARGS;" will actually change some internal
        state, by calling POPMARK. Is this the case?

                -jc, who does not grok the perl stack.

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