On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:14:01AM +0100, James Coupe wrote:
> 2009/9/24 James Laver <james.la...@gmail.com>:
> > And A1 Steak Sauce is only made in Vauxhall and only consumed in the USA,
> > much to the chagrin of all my american friends living in London.
> http://www.panzers.co.uk/ -> USA Foods -> Pickles

Oh, wonderful. Compare that with http://www.panzers.co.uk/pickles.phtml

Frames are bad, m'kay. Deep linking is your friend, and drives "natural"

Basic S.E.O. is not rocket science. (As isn't site speed optimisation)
Yet most of the world *still* doesn't seem to get it, 10 years on.

Nicholas Clark

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