On 01/09/2012 11:04, Tom Hukins wrote:
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 06:47:47PM +0100, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
Where is the usage policy of #london.pm IRC channel.
Hi, sorry I'm a little late to this therad.

Thank you all for the constructive discussion.  I'm going to think for
a while before making a decision on this:  I want to avoid rushing
anything important.  I'm happy to listen to everyone's thoughts,
either on the list, privately, or in the pub on Thursday.

There should of course be rules. Because as we've all seen, common decency is all too easily forgotten in this dehumanised form of communication. I've no need to remind people of my experience with LPM. The abuse I received for enthusiastically asking questions, which led me to retaliate and make inappropriate jokes, left both myself and LPM looking bad.

Mark's rules look good, but the most important thing is that these rules apply to EVERYBODY. Not, "these are the rules for this list... but us regulars are allowed to be as abusive as we like". Otherwise this list will continue to bear all the hallmarks of a corrupt foreign state.


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